You Feel Angry And You Don’t Know Why

You feel angry and you don't know why

It’s a kind of discomfort that manifests in your state of mind, but also in your body. You feel tired and may feel a certain heaviness in your head, a tightness in your throat, and a tightness in your chest. It’s the anger that’s besetting you, and sometimes you don’t know exactly why.

When anger arises from a concrete stimulus, such as an offensive act or an unpleasant situation, it is much easier to know which way to go and how to act. You have the option of fighting, digesting what happened and letting her go, or dealing with the situation civilly. But when anger is not directed specifically at something or someone, but anger permeates your entire emotional world, it is harder to control.

In principle, anger is a positive emotion in that it allows us to resist circumstances that are frustrating or threatening. It is simply a defensive or attacking reaction. But when anger becomes constant, a permanent irritability, and makes you explode over petty things, you need to see what’s going on.

Anger that persists and feeds on itself

We all know people who seem to be constantly angry. They are always tense and worried every day, no matter if the facts around them are positive or negative; they are immune to what happens in their environment, because they are irritated anyway. They are said to be like a spark that sets off a massive fire at the slightest unpleasant stimulus.


What happens to these people who feel angry and cannot specify why? They  are often the wrong people: they believe that triggering a conflict is an effective way to achieve their goals. Because they cannot tolerate and understand people who think or act differently than they do, they get angry and complain about others for not acting the way they believe is right.

For the “chronically irritated” there is only one way to live, feel and act: the one they believe is right. They react with anger when someone acts differently. They can’t stand the chaos of the world, because they probably experience chaos within and can only maintain control by being “psy-corrected.”

These people find it difficult to express their emotions, repress their feelings and can only express themselves through an outburst of anger. This explosion gives them the necessary impetus to say what they had saved. For this reason, they use harsh and offensive words that represent an exaggerated and extreme view of the situation.

A monster that devours its creator

There are times when irritation is positive, sets limits and prevents greater harm. A truth told at the right time and without anesthesia puts the “drops in the is” and ends up with harmful situations.

Ideally, we would have the control necessary to say everything with precision and restraint. But that’s not always the case: our instinctual and emotional brain is much older than our rational one, and we often can’t keep it from taking over. In fact, it’s great that people around us realize that we also have a “strong personality”.


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