Why Should We Have A Glass Of Warm Lemon Water In The Morning?

Why should we have a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning? 

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning is a healthy habit. So, and even though it is not a miracle formula, this simple natural remedy taken on an empty stomach is very beneficial for our body and our brain. Provides hydration, potassium, is a source of vitamin C and, in addition, we can take advantage of its alkaline qualities.

Much has been said about the benefits that warm lemon water can provide. In fact, we could say that few natural proposals are so well known and have so much tradition. The popular sayings themselves remind us, from generation to generation, of phrases like  “with garlic and lemon, it doesn’t even take a shot”.

Well, what is really true of all this advice? Is lemon water as amazing as it is advertised around? The answer is no. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning does not cure anything. It won’t make us lose weight, it won’t get rid of a cold, nor will it make our skin look younger and blemish-free.

What this natural proposal does is to contribute, thanks to its micronutrients, flavonoids and organic acids, for a better internal balance.

This drink will boost our immune system and will act as a good cardiovascular and neuroprotective agent. Essentially, this simple proposal can become an extra habit that can be included in our daily routine. Worth trying.

woman drinking water with lemon

Brain Benefits of Drinking a Glass of Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

Citrus fruits, especially lemon, are beneficial for brain health. The secret is in flavonoids like hesperidin. Thus, this type of element is very suitable, mainly to correctly protect the blood circulation.

On the other hand, it is also interesting to know another aspect. As shown by several studies, such as the one carried out by the “Center for Research in Nutrition” at Boston University, these natural substances reduce the chances of suffering a stroke.

Thus, and not least, we must also not forget that lemon is rich in potassium. This mineral takes care of and promotes the activity of nerve cells. Therefore, if we decide to have a glass of this drink in the morning, many of our cognitive processes will improve. 

Prepare your body for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients

It may be a little difficult at first. When we get up, often what we want is coffee, or something sweet… milk, toast, etc. The thought of drinking a glass of warm water with lemon is not very encouraging and causes some discomfort. However, in the long run, the benefits will be noticed and that little effort will have been worth it.

It will be worth it, mainly, because digestion will improve. The act of drinking this drink on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach, is very good. As long as we don’t have stomach ulcers or other health problems, this proposal will relax the stomach muscles, facilitate bowel movement, and clear out toxins. 

Second, it provides a cleaner indoor climate, ready to better absorb nutrients. We will have a more hydrated and alkaline digestive system, capable of receiving the rest of breakfast in a healthier way.


A stronger immune system

As we said at the beginning: drinking warm water with lemon in the morning does not cure illnesses. However, this drink will make our immune system stronger. We will have better defenses to face any viral or infectious agent. Thus, and despite the amount of lemon juice combined with water is not very high, we will end up accumulating nutrients on a daily basis.

Lemon is not only rich in vitamin C. There is a treasure trove of B-complex vitamins, as well as multiple minerals, in its pulp and skin. So this little morning effort is worth it. Our defenses will thank you.

Reduces stress

This data is interesting. Thanks to research work carried out over the years, vitamin C has been shown to help reduce stress. In pharmacies, as we know, numerous nutritional supplements rich in this type of vitamin are sold and, in fact, many people consume it without knowing that it helps in much more than strengthening the body’s defenses.

Vitamin C reduces cortisol in the blood.  It helps us to be more relaxed and focused. So drinking this drink is, once again, a gift to the brain. It costs nothing, it’s simple and the results are remarkable.


To conclude, it is also worth mentioning a small aspect. Every person has a different tolerance to this citrus. The ideal is to combine a glass of water with the juice obtained from half a lemon. In addition, the ideal is for the fruit to be of organic origin , so we will be sure that it contains all the necessary vitamins and properties.

So, if you notice that the drink is bad for you, it’s okay to reduce the dose. Sometimes, a simple quick squeeze can already help and bring benefits. The important thing is to make this a habit and keep other healthy habits as well.

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