When I’m Happy I Just Ask That The Mind Be On My Side

When I'm happy I just ask the mind to be on my side

The mind appears to many of us as an authentic battleground.

We don’t realize that this battle will never end: it’s not the place where anything can be resolved, and the mind doesn’t want its activity to stop either.

you are not your mind

This is the first big important concept that you may never have realized: you are not your mind.

To understand it, we can illustrate it with an example: imagine a chessboard where the white part symbolizes the loving part of your mind and the black part symbolizes the opposite. Soon, we find the different pieces like pawns (thoughts), kings and queens (feelings and intuitions), knights (souvenirs)…etc.

Sometimes, like in a chess match, very intense and complex matches can be played with all these elements. The important thing is not to forget that the board that supports all this is you. Something that always remains constant.

train the mind

Furthermore, the fact that the mind is biologically designed to detect dangers does not mean that it continually warns us about them.

Dangerous situations that you have gone through in your life have put you in a state of alert before a sign; but there is no reason to let fear get hold of you.

Don’t give your mind room for weeds (bad thoughts) to bloom. But also don’t try to ignore them or be in a continual substitution of bad thoughts for good ones.

It will be an exhausting task and you will only achieve the opposite effect: you will pay attention to your inner life, but neglect your real life actions. Simply try to change activities and habits instead of thoughts.

Strategies to help you relate to your mind

Perhaps you are not giving your mind any possibility to stop thinking in ways that are bad for you, such as:

Your mind says you are very bad, that leaving will be a disaster and you better stay at home . You are therefore not looking for anything real that gets your message to be more than an idea in your head and not an intrusion into your life. You simply believe without looking for alternatives.

– Another example is when you are tired of thinking or feeling that way, however, you keep reading the same books, you keep getting along with people who don’t contribute anything and doing work that doesn’t satisfy you, I mean, you keep doing more of the same.

Of course, in the end, you will end up believing everything your head says, not looking for alternatives and settling down. But doing more of the same won’t give different results…

There are times when laziness to act in our lives and make decisions is the first step for the dreaded mental disorders to find a place to develop.

the mind doesn't stop

So speak with your mind about the  unique being in feelings, passions, language and actions that you are.

Say you take it into consideration. And who wants to be happy with her.

What you cannot ask is to stop your activity, because that would mean drowning your own nature, and the mind is your ally, not your enemy.

Give thanks for the balance generated in many situations in your life so as not to make wrong decisions, for its complexity that made your life have moments of absolute splendor.

But explain that you also need calm to contemplate things without the slightest interest in getting any analysis. You simply want to accept her presence and you want her to accept yours, because together you can reach maturity.

In the end, you have each other forever; that way they can forget about the past and build a real relationship, one that inspires them to achieve big dreams.

Isn’t it time to build a real future together?

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