When Everything Is Black Or White In Life (TPL)

When everything is black or white in life (TPL)

Extreme emotions, recurrent thoughts about self-injury, suicidal ideas, intolerance to frustration and chronic feelings of loneliness are some of the symptoms that BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) manifests in individuals who have it.

There are many people who deny this disorder, expressing their disapproval of its possible existence. This is because BPD is a difficult disorder to identify, due to its wide range of symptoms that also appear in the diagnosis of other illnesses, such as depression and anxiety.

TPL: people who move between extremes

Borderline personality disorder is also known as Borderline Disorder. People with this disease move between two extremes: feeling good and feeling bad. They cannot maintain a real balance in their lives, and if they do achieve that balance, it is for a very short period of time.

It usually appears early in life, such as in adolescence, although sometimes it is only diagnosed in adulthood, as mood swings and emotional instability can often be explained by hormonal changes that occur between 11 and 19 years of age.


But TPL doesn’t go away by itself. Without proper diagnosis and over the years, this disorder progresses and can make the life of the person who has the disease is a torment. Do you want to discover some of the most characteristic situations of people who suffer from this condition?

  • When they are faced with an abandonment, be it real or just imagined, they make desperate efforts to prevent this from happening. Here, self-injurious behaviors or threats of suicide begin to appear.
  • The relationships they have with other people are very intense and based on people’s ideals, which later turn into contempt.
  • There is a clear identity disorder that makes the person not know who he is and desperately search for some place in the world.
  • It manifests great impulsiveness that leads to self-injurious behaviors, eating disorders or drug use.
  • Many people with BPD report feeling a chronic inner emptiness that they try to fill in a variety of ways.

These are some of the realities that characterize Borderline Personality Disorder, although it is necessary to focus on its most striking feature: self-injury. People with this disorder are unable to handle their emotions and feel it to the extreme that the only way out is to cause yourself physical pain.


Chaotic relationships and unstable emotions

Despite the inner emptiness they may feel, and the emotions being so intense that it is difficult to deal with, people with BPD have another issue that becomes very problematic in their lives: interpersonal relationships. This is where the crashes against walls that are impossible to jump continually occur.

It is necessary to mention that this disorder has its trigger in childhood. Although this is not always fulfilled, the factors that can make a person more prone to suffer from the disease are abuse during childhood, poor communication with the family, or a very unstructured family, abandonment during childhood or adolescence, etc.


All of this creates a before-and-after imprint on relationships. A continual search by these people to free themselves from the inner emptiness they feel, combined with the constant frustration of not finding it. This does nothing more, nothing less, than cause all relationships, sooner or later, to turn into toxic relationships.

It is normal that, given all these circumstances, anxiety and depression emerge that can confuse the diagnosis of BPD. But with proper treatment this disorder can be controlled and the person can lead a normal life. The ups and downs will not be as frequent, relationships will improveā€¦ It will also be possible to be responsible with the work, because many people with BPD leave their work aside when they are unable to even get out of bed to fulfill their obligations.

Life is not just black or white. There are nuances that people with Borderline Personality Disorder fail to notice. Their great sensitivity to the emotional overload they experience causes them to move between extremes. Despite being very difficult, with the proper treatment it is possible to move forward.

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