Train Perseverance, The Key To Psychological Endurance

Training perseverance is the art that will allow us to face each challenge. Thanks to this psychological strength, we reach goals, face adversity and make resilience our personal brand to never give up…
Train Perseverance, the Key to Psychological Resistance

Training perseverance may not help us achieve the long-awaited happiness. However, it can achieve something much more powerful: that we feel proud of ourselves.

This will allow us, for example, to be people who dare to face challenges, who work their own luck, who do not understand surrenders and get up again and again after each fall…

Lao-Tse said that perseverance is the basis of all actions. However, let’s face it: no one teaches us how this skill is woven, nor how this personality trait that can help us achieve such high goals develops.

We often acquire it from our closest environment, from the fathers and mothers who inspire us, from figures that arouse our admiration with their attitude, behavior and personal approach.

It would undoubtedly be wonderful if we all came into the world with this competence inscribed in our genetic code. And if we say that, it’s not by whim or accident. Recent studies speak of how perseverance acts as an exercise of exceptional psychological resistance that serves more than achieving goals.

This dimension is associated with a lower risk of depression and is a highly effective strategy for managing anxiety. We are facing a health tool that is worth maximizing…

the little things in life

Training perseverance: pillar of resilience in everyday life

Recently, the Journal of Abnormal Psychiatry published a study of great interest to the field of psychology and personal growth.

It is a work carried out by the University of Pennsylvania that lasted nearly two decades and allowed us to understand different aspects.

  • First, the most persevering people, those who set goals and strive to reach them, have a much lower risk of suffering panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.
  • Perseverance training, according to this study, helped around 3,300 men and women develop a more resilient mindset.
  • Persevering people are less caught up in the maze of worries. Your thoughts are not obsessive; they make use of a cognitive approach based on problem solving, creativity and positive reflection.
  • They are also very tenacious profiles that apply a growth rather than stagnation mentality. They have their goals, dreams and desires. All of this acts as a motivating impulse, and there is no place for fear, the shadow of helplessness and the reflex of defeat.

How can we train perseverance?

Neuroscientists discovered years ago that dopamine is about perseverance and the proactive behavior that allows us to achieve achievement.

Dr. Joe Z. Tsien, co-director of the University of Georgia Brain Institute, says we can all promote the release of this neurotransmitter by creating new habits, having clear goals, and maintaining motivation.

These would be, therefore, the psychological approaches that we must take care of daily to train perseverance:

set a clear goal

Without a clear goal, no movement is generated. Without purposes, there is no willpower, so we must be clear about this: the mind feeds on dreams, and if these do not materialize into defined and realistic goals, motivation will not arise.

Self control

When we put a goal on our personal horizon, there’s no going back. We must join forces and ideas in relation to this specific point and, for that, we must effectively manage dimensions such as discouragement, frustration, anxiety or stress.

Self-control is therefore the key to training perseverance.

Learning to train perseverance

positive approach

Positivity, a feeling of effectiveness, self-assurance and a good mood are also basic nutrients for achieving achievements. Furthermore, perseverance goes hand in hand with a positive approach that does not allow limiting or adverse emotions to enter.

Forbidden surrender

Realize a dream. Overcome a depression. Develop a competency or a new skill. Being proud of ourselves… All of these dimensions require, above all, one aspect: not giving up.

We can, however, take a step back to set new goals and then give it more momentum. We can also stop for a moment to reflect and gain new perspectives.

But what we must never do is stand still, stagnant, stuck in despondency and surrender. Coaching perseverance is therefore a powerful exercise in motivation and health.

We can all improve this aspect to ensure that our resources and potential are in our favor, mediating well-being, encouraging us to advance a little more each day.

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