Toxic Friends Steal Happiness

Toxic friends steal happiness

Toxic friends are not good for the soul, the spirit, and our own health. If we have friends who suck our energy, it is possible that they are toxic friends who seek to steal our happiness. And anyone who robs us of happiness shouldn’t be in our lives, because sooner or later they’re going to get us harmed. Do you have toxic friends in your life?

To realize that someone is stealing your happiness, you ‘ll need to respect yourself and ultimately think about what’s best for you. Your true friends will be the ones who support you, the ones who make you grow as a person, the ones who make you feel good and never put you down or make you feel bad.

If you’re not sure whether or not you’re surrounded by toxic people, you need to start to assess how you feel around these people. Next, you’ll see some types of toxic friends that can easily steal your happiness by identifying those traits that best define them.

toxic friends who use us

There are those toxic friends who only report when they need you or who call to ask for a favor, and you may feel used by them. If a friend just calls you or remembers you when he needs a favor, then he’s not your true friend.


To be honest, in friendships we use other people to some extent and this doesn’t have to be frowned upon, as long as the value of the relationship is appreciated and there is a close bond. If your friend just asks for favors and it doesn’t improve your well-being, then that person has no place in your life.

the negative friend

Sincerity is a scarce quality and this has nothing to do with negativity. When a friend tells you that you won’t be able to do something, that everything is wrong, or that you only see the downside, it’s definitely a problem.

There’s nothing wrong with having a friend who speaks candidly, who is brave and sticks his finger sometimes where it hurts the most, who comes with alcohol and cleans the wound. However, someone who does this constantly and has no other attitude can hurt you.

the grumpy friend

It’s true that everyone can have a bad day (even the most positive people have gray days too) and that sometimes complaining is a good way – whenever it’s sporadically – to channel bad energies. But the friends who really help us grow don’t spend the day in this position.

Angry people, instead of owning their own lives and doing something to change what doesn’t make them feel good, prefer to blame others for what happens to them, and don’t stop complaining about what wasn’t. This type of person will even be able to blame you for their own setbacks, making you feel bad for free and stealing your happiness. Don’t give him that power!

the one who criticizes everything

If someone is constantly criticizing your life, the way you dress or anything else, this is not a good sign. There is a big difference between making constructive criticism and criticizing meanly.

gossip-toxic friends

People who usually criticize do not take long to replicate this attitude in other areas of their lives. However, here a curious paradox occurs, those who specialize in criticizing others do not usually have good self-criticism.

So, if you have a friend who criticizes you and each of your projects, I need to tell you that you have someone close to you who specializes in criticizing everything about you that he doesn’t like about himself. He throws your disagreement with the world on you, somehow you are the outlet for his frustrations, as you are one of his closest people.

Think basically that a friend is someone who does well, helps, and inspires. But he’s also someone we trust and to whom we’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt, precisely because we’re so considerate of him. However, what would be the ideal is often not like that – as we have seen – and we usually have some close people disguised as friends, who hurt us continuously and deeply.

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