The Uncertain Future Is No Reason To Squander Present Opportunities

The uncertain future is no reason to squander present opportunities

When you focus on the life around you and not the uncertain future, you are betting on the present. You can feel things that you otherwise wouldn’t feel, creating the opportunity to value everything around you that deserves a “THANK YOU” in capital letters.

Everything is fleeting. We have a life in our hands. A life: a finite time in an immense and fertile space, full of different possibilities and opportunities. Life surrounds us with its enormity. She is there for us, waiting for our awakening and for us to hold her strong with our hands without hesitation, without hesitation.

We spend a lot of time in our lives waiting for uncertain situations, for people to change, or even for us to change ourselves. We enter a kind of time tunnel that prevents us from seeing what is around us, from perceiving the light of our life: its nuances, its light and dark.

woman sitting on park bench

Life doesn’t happen in the uncertain future

Life asks to be seen, to be heard. She wants to happen and she wants to belong to you. But we are so busy planning uncertain futures, scenarios in our minds, predicting and (pre)living future catastrophes, that life slips out of our hands like water runs through our fingers.

How long do you want to spend waiting for that person who doesn’t arrive, or for the wind to blow in a favorable way to steer you on the right path again? It’s like you live in another dimension and the only solution is to sit and wait. Not lifting a finger to explore your surroundings, not realizing everything you already have.

You are missing out on the opportunity to feed your senses, to appreciate the small and the tiny that is often so big… Be present in the here and now, in this very moment, with every pore of your skin alert… it’s a ticket to life. A passage to pleasure, tranquility, connection with oneself.

Living is focusing our attention on the present

We lose connection with ourselves when we cower in fear of an uncertain future. It is waiting without “being alive”, it is like being dead in life. We are listless. We believe that our history can wait for those special moments when capricious luck will bring us what we think we deserve.

We are afraid of being deceived. We want to win without risking, without realizing that when we postpone the present and its potentialities, we are doomed to insensitivity. It’s like closing your eyes and continuing to walk. If I trip and fall, I will blame life for being so unfair.

sunflower field

When we focus our attention on what life “has to” give us, rather than what we can do while we are living, helplessness and frustration will be constant companions on this journey. However, when we focus our existence on what we can achieve in life, on the exchange we can make with it, it changes the way we look at the world.

The importance of living with your soul’s eyes wide open

When we have the eyes of the soul open, we see what we could not see otherwise. We will be able to perceive nuances that would go unnoticed if the eyes of our being remained closed. And then, we will be able to enjoy life.

We are not talking about big events with repercussions that everyone notices. We are talking about something much more intimate and sensory. We are talking about realizing in everyday life the beauty of being alive ; to learn from nature and all that she so generously gives us.

Find meaning in your life and enjoy your existence. Don’t let life go by, because it is finite. Take it one day at a time, don’t let the uncertain future steal your joy in life.

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