Phubbing: How Cell Phones Destroy Relationships

Phubbing: How Cell Phones Destroy Relationships

Technology never ceases to amaze us. Every year there are endless lists of new cell phones, computers and tablets, each one more modern than the next. The same happens with the programs for them, which do not stop offering us advantages when we communicate with others. It’s ironic that what connects us with those far away takes us away from those who are near. Phubbing is here to stay.

The appearance of the first cell phones was a real revolution. Everyone was talking about how easy it was to be able to talk to people who lived hundreds or thousands of miles away. The possibility of being able to take this wonderful element everywhere led to the creation of new models, smaller and lighter.

What had initially emerged as a novelty gradually turned into an addiction called Phubbing. In people who queue for hours at establishments in order to buy the latest model; in teenagers who only live to please others on social networks and in an alarming emergence of new related disorders.

What is Phubbing?

The word Phubbing emerged in Australia a few years ago with the union of the terms phone (telephone) and snobbing (despise). We can define it as the fact of  ignoring or belittling a person or environment to be centered on any other type of mobile technology.

The addiction produced by some of these elements makes the individual abstract from the physical reality and pay more attention to the virtual. It is currently something very common that affects a large part of the population, generating a real controversy.

couple on cell phone

Extreme proponents of new technologies claim that Phubbing is simply collateral damage. They think it’s the price to pay for being connected to the world at low cost and in real time. Detractors, on the other hand, are quite critical of the topic. They believe that society, especially the younger ones, can see their lives conditioned by this obsession.

The controversy arose not only due to tendonitis, vision problems or back, neck and head pain. There are more and more accidents and pedestrian accidents caused by not paying enough attention to the road. The obsession with gaining approval and popularity on social media also causes physical, psychological and social problems. Furthermore, being more attentive to the cell phone than to our partners, friends or family is a lack of respect and can lead to serious confrontations.

Phubbing-related illnesses

There are several pathologies related to new technologies. Although Phubbing is one of the best known, there are others that are more serious and uncommon. They can usually be dealt with with the help of specialists, but it is the person who should realize they have a problem.

FOMO (Fear of Missing out)

It’s about the need to be continually connected for fear of missing something. The obsession with continuously accessing WhatsApp or social networks becomes a disease. The individual doesn’t even wait for notifications, he is continually updating the search engine.

They are people unable to leave the house without their cell phone, even refusing to go to other homes or hotels if they don’t have Wi-Fi.


Nomophobia is the extreme panic experienced by the absence of a cell phone. It usually occurs when the device does not work or has been stolen. People suffer from real anxiety and terror attacks, which greatly affect their perception.

Like those who suffer from FOMO, your main concern is that you are missing something while your cell phone is gone . Many of these times the money to repair it or to buy a new one even goes to a secondary plan.


Cyberchondria is one of the most common pathologies. The Internet is a great source of information, but it must be made clear that it is not a doctor. Many people prefer to look up their symptoms on the internet and end up diagnosing themselves  with illnesses they don’t have.

tired woman in front of computer

The belief that any forum or portal is reliable makes them very hypochondriacal. They think they can have any disease, which is dangerous if they decide to self-medicate.

Imaginary Call Syndrome

It is also known as phantom vibration. People who suffer from it hear calls that don’t exist due to their extreme obsession with the cell phone.  Even without having turned on the screen, the individual confidently states that he hears the sound.

Google Effect

This is one of the lesser known effects, but more significant in the long term. The brain is so used to looking up information on the Internet that it fails to assimilate what it discovers in the normal way. In the long run, it can cause an inability to retain information, which would negatively affect our memory.

New technologies can help us in many ways, but they can also cause us problems. If we pay more attention to what happens on screen than what happens in real life, the consequences can be disastrous. Interacting with others and thinking about our health are much more important priorities than the internet, and this is something we must take into account.

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