Love When You’re Ready, Not Alone

Love when you're ready, not when you're alone

Love is pure adrenaline and flees from any attempt at rationalization : we cannot control it and we cannot decide when we want it to happen. It just happens and causes something extraordinary, so frightening and special at the same time that it leaves no one indifferent. Thus, love cannot be concealed or concealed.

The magical nature of love means that we cannot force it to happen when we wish. In fact, when the French philosopher Sartre stated that we are free, except to decide to want to be, he forgot to add the feeling of being in love: you don’t choose, this feeling arises and can come so much at a good time in our lives like at a bad time.

The rebound relationships

Surely you’ve already experienced the terrible pain that a emotional breakup provokes, and that’s why you know better than anyone the consequences of this emotional loss: those that start right after another relationship are called “rebound relationships” left his wounds.

farewell couple

Not all relationships that start after a breakup are a product of this rebound effect, but in many cases, what happens is that  people believe that it alleviates suffering and try to move forward in the wrong way : without realizing it, they think that this new person will resolve the discomfort and unite the tears of the old person they loved.

In fact, behind this behavior there is loneliness and instability: we’re so bad we can’t get over it, but we hide it because it’s easier than coping. In other words,  the lost link makes us think that we need another link to feel complete:  we desperately seek to love to erase the past, forgetting that we only really love those who are ready for it.

the fear of being single

Sharing your life with someone is not easy, but if there is true love, the pieces fall into place and the relationship progresses with happiness.  Likewise, it’s also not easy to get along with yourself if there’s something in there that’s out of place and needs attention. Therefore, before trying to pursue a balance in a couple, one must learn to be with one’s own loneliness or, otherwise, any union formed will be a mirage.

To overcome loneliness or, better said, to realize that loneliness can be positive, the first thing we have to do is face fear:  many people don’t love their partner, but are afraid of not having anyone else. Until we understand this, we will probably repeat the mistake many times in our relationships.

The fear of being single is an increasingly common problem in the Western world, which sometimes does not allow those who suffer from it to go through the grief process that requires a breakup. This event creates emotional dependency and misconceptions about loneliness and freedom:  being alone does not indicate “being bitter” nor does being with someone mean “lack of freedom”. 

the coincidence spell

As we said before, only those who are prepared for this truly love, those who have already recognized that they do not want to fall into the same traps of the past and those who dare to take the risk, because what the person feels is greater than their fear. The match-up spell happens when you least expect it and when you know you only have the option to experiment. Right now, love without reservation.


love when you’re ready to love

There are those who want to feel loved enough to let their heart cloud with illusions, there are those who do not love themselves and want to be loved, there are those who only listen to their mind to take action and forget about emotion. Love is emotional and cannot be measured or calculated. Whoever manages to feel in love, in the end, realizes that he didn’t need to make an effort to be able to do that : because it was his moment and life had saved him.

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