How To Improve The Emotional Climate At Home

How to improve the emotional climate at home

Maintaining a good emotional climate at home is not an easy task, especially when there are strong personalities and complicated circumstances under one roof. However, the effort is usually worth it, as the family is the most unconditional circle of support for most people.

It is not uncommon to see family problems in psychology offices. Unfortunately, the more time we spend together, the greater the chances that confrontations and hostilities will arise.

On the other hand, the emotional climate at home is a shared responsibility. Therefore, each one, as far as possible, can contribute so that harmony, and not conflict or confrontation, prevails.

Despite this, the greatest efforts to achieve this goal must be carried out by parents. They are responsible for what happens at home; on the other hand, children have a greater share of responsibility as they grow up. The climate at home is a recipe to which everyone contributes depending on their age and possibilities.

According to a survey published in Psychology Science of Therapy , it is essential to carry out activities that promote family life to achieve healthy emotional and cognitive development. Having a good relationship with siblings and parents strengthens affective bonds and improves the self-esteem of each family member.

family holding hands on the beach

Families are no longer what they were

The task of being parents is not an easy one. Its function goes far beyond meeting basic food and sustenance needs, without underestimating their value.

Raising children includes fundamental aspects, such as bringing up in an emotional climate of affection, support and respect. This will facilitate the development of secure attachment relationships, establishing norms and discipline, teaching healthy habits and lifestyles, transmitting values ​​or making important decisions.

As if all this were not enough, these tasks will be performed in a more diversified family context. In addition to the traditional family, whose nucleus consisted of two spouses, other types of families are increasingly common. Examples of them are single parent, reconstructed or homoparental families.

Furthermore, the roles given to each parent have changed considerably in recent decades. Most mothers are not dedicated exclusively to caring for their children at home. It is common for them to have to combine this dedication with a job outside the home.

Currently, the father is taking an increasingly active role in the education and care of the children.  This goes far beyond being a provider of financial resources. All of this, together with other factors, proposes new models and challenges in socialization. This has a direct impact on improving the emotional climate at home.

How can we improve the emotional climate at home?

The answer to how to improve the emotional climate at home is not simple. Why isn’t it simple? First, the question is very general. First of all, we should assess the problems within the family.

Once we know what the problems are and their characteristics, we will be in a position to establish specific plans to improve the family atmosphere in the home. However, there are general guidelines that can be applied in most cases.

united family

Foster good practices among family members

This is essential to improve the emotional climate at home. Families that have a good climate treat each other with respect and politeness.

Respect and education imply a series of behaviors. As an example, we can say that it is beneficial not to use aggressive or painful language. Insults and bad-sounding words should be removed from the family environment, reprimanding or not reinforcing their use.

It’s also important to be respectful. Family members should greet each other when they get home and say goodbye when they leave. Demonstrations of affection cannot be lacking either.

Each family member has a specific role.

This means that parents must act as parents, and children as children. Although it seems obvious, there are many parents who forget their role. A father is a guide, and his fundamental mission is to educate his children. The goal is to contribute to the well-being and growth of your children.

To achieve this, some parents act more authoritatively than others. Thus, in the face of overly authoritarian parents, the children will have their margins for maneuver and autonomy quite restricted. On the contrary, it’s easy for parents who are unable to maintain clear, defined boundaries to end up raising very disoriented and impulsive children. In this sense, the best thing is to be democratic parents, firm with certain limits, but willing to listen.

Children, for their part, must learn to respect their parents, take on more responsibilities as they grow, and give themselves permission to do wrong. A child who does not follow his father’s instructions will not be “guided” and will grow up with a great sense of insecurity for lack of reference points. At the other extreme, a highly dependent child is unlikely to take the risks that are necessary for their growth on their own volition.

Do family activities

The family should also be a place for fun. It is important for family members to do rewarding activities together. Of course, children should have their friendships, just like their parents, but they should also share time away from responsibilities or stressful moments.

Family leisure time involves going on excursions, traveling to other cities, going out to eat, watching movies together, playing sports, and so on. It is important that this time is quality time, and that all members enjoy it.

family having fun in nature

We could cite many other factors to take into account to improve the emotional climate at home. However, this would take a long time and exceed the claims of this article. If the emotional climate in your home is becoming unbearable, it is best to consult a psychologist. It will help you and your family get through the difficult times.

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