Express Your Emotions

express your emotions

In order to communicate well with others, it is very important to learn to speak from the heart. Seems easy, but it is not. This is even more complicated because it doesn’t just mean saying or knowing how to say it, but also doing it at the right time. To do this, there is only one way: learn to express emotions.

You shouldn’t talk about how you feel just when it’s okay. In fact, it ‘s much more important to do so when things go wrong. If you feel ignored, disturbed, or confused, the way out is not to be silent. Learn to express emotions. Talk about what you don’t like. Don’t hold on to your hurts until they start to hurt you.

Say what you think and express your emotions under all circumstances. And not just that: do it at the right time. It is not always easy to identify the right moment, but you gain a lot when you do it and little by little you acquire the ability to be relevant and precise.

The importance of learning to express emotions

There is no exact formula for determining what is and is not good emotional communication. However, there is a principle that can guide us: ‘express emotions when the desire to do so is very strong, when you realize that your immediate well-being depends on it’.

man with hanging balls

It is true that when we are angry or angry, there is a strong desire to say the first thing that comes to mind. Most of the time, we regret having given in to this impulse, because it didn’t serve to express what we wanted to say. Instead, we hinder and block communication.

That’s why one of the most appropriate principles of emotional communication is not to speak in moments of extreme excitement. In this state you cannot think, speak and act calmly. It’s best to take a deep breath to stabilize yourself and get the mind working properly again.

Positive and Negative Emotions

It is easier to learn to speak through the heart from positive emotions. In fact, whenever we feel something positive, we shouldn’t be quiet: say what you’re feeling. This is a good way to start connecting emotions and words without much thought. In other words, it’s a way to encourage spontaneity.

express emotions

Now with negative emotions you need to be more careful. In fact, we are brought up to repress these negative emotions. They are considered inconvenient, they are a source of conflict. That’s why we grew up believing that we have to silence or disguise these emotions. This turns out to be very harmful.

We use the word “negative emotions” for teaching purposes. However, this does not imply that negative emotions are unhealthy, they can also be healthy. We just feel that way and nothing comes up “why”. On many occasions it is sadness, anger, indignation and everything that we usually call “negative” that leads us to evolve, grow and resolve latent problematic situations.

They start as a disturbance and end as an explosion

When something hurts, bothers us, or provokes rejection, we feel a sense of discontent. We want to move away from this discomfort and that’s why we often choose to ignore what these emotions tell us. This is wrong. When we deny or repress a feeling, it lodges inside us like a time bomb.

woman with a prism on her head

When we feel those negative emotions that arise in situations we consider relevant, silence is not a good option. If you keep quiet, this latent conflict is very likely to explode at any time, often in the worst way. Sometimes this happens with large outbursts of anger and behavior that harms others. Negative emotions always find a way to express themselves.

So when you experience some disturbance in your emotions, look carefully at what’s going on. Identify exactly what emotion or feeling is troubling you. After that, express your emotions calmly, tactfully. Try to come to an understanding and don’t give free rein to your passions.

A person who knows how to say things at the right time, clearly and without hurting anyone is certainly better prepared to have good relationships. This avoids a multitude of problems and worries. It pays to learn to communicate through the heart!

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