Do You Have An Intimidating Personality?

Do you have an intimidating personality?

There is a big difference between having a strong personality and developing an intimidating personality. There are people who had to fight with life in hard battles and that tempered their personality, but it also took away their sweetness. The worst thing is that, at times, the battles they fought made them adopt defensive positions all the time, walking with a breastplate and considering as an enemy all the territory they walk on.

We all know people with big hearts who, however, do not appear to be like that.  They are often very successful people in their profession and even in their social life, but an atmosphere of fear is formed around them. They have strong reactions and people end up being afraid of them.

Those with an intimidating personality often do not realize the effect they have on other people. They know they are good people and they don’t understand why others are frightened by their harsh expressions or gestures. To find out if this is the case for you, ask yourself if you have one or more of the following characteristics.

Silence involves an intimidating personality

If after speaking, you notice that the people around you remain silent, it’s time to ask yourself if you have an intimidating personality. Perhaps, without realizing it, you express yourself too crudely. Perhaps you are too direct or categorical in expressing what you think. It is also possible that others admire you so much that they are afraid to disappoint you.

Dealing with an intimidating personality

It works like this: you don’t emit opinions, you draw conclusions. It’s as if deep down you are saying the last word on a subject. In his words, it is implied that he does not admit and will not take into account any comments. This is equivalent to ending the conversation. You speak to be heard and use an authoritative tone. In this way, not everyone will feel encouraged to continue the conversation.

You notice that you have an intimidating personality when you arrive at a lively, participatory meeting, and your presence makes the moods subside a little. There may be sudden silence or some kind of discontent. You notice that people don’t act spontaneously when you’re there.

Do you believe that the important thing is to be “sincere”

People who have an intimidating personality are often “sincerid”. They almost always brag about being honest and not having a “job” to express what they think or feel. However, they may be confusing sincerity with inconsiderate or rude.

In this type of personality, it is common for there to be a certain rejection of overly gentle manners. They believe that the truth, the more raw, the truer it is; that saying things tactfully amounts to making up or falsifying the truth. They don’t see the difference between kindness and flattery.

man with intimidating personality

The problem is that when they tell the “truths” in an excessively rude way, they only manage to cause discomfort. Sometimes, the way they are said is so brutal that the interlocutor forgets the content of what is being communicated and only has the impression of the way it was said. Words spoken in a rude way end up not being heard.

You scold others when they show signs of weakness

If you are someone with an intimidating personality, it will be very difficult to understand the weaknesses or difficulties of others. If they tell you a problem, you will encourage them to make an effort to get out of the difficulty as soon as possible. You believe that the other person needs an authoritative voice that demands that he rise above the situation, not a shoulder to cry on.

The problem is that we often go through difficult times and need emotional comfort from others. We don’t want pity, but someone who simply listens to us and accompanies us without judging us. We don’t want to be told what to do. Often, we don’t need to be told which way to go, but to support us as we build up the strength to move forward.

intimidating personality

An intimidating personality causes others to distance themselves. So much external hardness ends up isolating you from the affections. Overly defensive attitudes often backfire on you. Maybe your personality is not “Mary Poppins” or “Mother Teresa” type, but that doesn’t mean you should be too hard on others. You certainly have a lot to offer and it would be worth reconsidering the way you approach and communicate with each other.

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