Change “having To Wait” To “feeling Waiting”

Change "having to wait" for "feeling waiting"

When we talk about waiting, countless concepts and mental images invade us. These are concepts and sensations that represent a painful burden, a dose of impatience and delay, which are brought to us by this word “waiting”, and even more by the expression: “having to wait”. We hear this so often that we’re used to adjusting our perspective to a long wait, literally.

This word brings us a symbology such as, for example, the image of a woman sitting, awaiting the arrival of the love of her life; a child at the door, waiting for a mother who doesn’t know if she will arrive; a long-awaited letter that takes too long (will it come?); a helping hand that never reaches out.

Waiting seems to be linked to sacrifice : there is an expectation suffered during the act, an anxiety that does not rest and a feeling of instability that lingers. And you never know about the realization of what is expected.

wait for the problems to pass

Waiting is keeping the emotion at bay, it is holding a pleasure that has not yet come, it is elaborating feelings that may not be felt, after all, it is maintaining a posture of observation and intense anxiety, suspended, which can lead to a desire that we do not know if will be realized. Or, in the case of all this, considering that it happens (the letter, the love, the outstretched hand, the realization of the dream), the waiting, by itself, has already generated a lot of unnecessary anxieties and worries.

Thus, the act of waiting represents an illusory emotional state ; it is a doubt while it exists, for all the emotions and negative charge we attribute to it.

So if you’re tired of carrying this burden, change the idea of ​​“having to wait” for “feeling the wait”. Feel. Don’t judge or forethought. Don’t make room for the “if”. We cannot live without the wait as it is part of our journey. So, wait lightly, enjoying the moments of life and the positive steps that this can bring. Live the day, don’t live the wait. Savor the faith that lies in waiting. Feel what is around you and in you ardently.

Treat waiting as a natural event and, above all, believe in the best.

Visualize your goals coming true and don’t harbor any illusions about the future.

Visualize the dream happening, however, stay firm and willing today, celebrating the small victories. Do not feed the waiting, feed the present, what is in your hands and in front of you today, cultivating the faith for tomorrow, which, after all, does not belong to us either. It’s no use storing up strength for later; the energy you need is the one that is in place within you right now.

wait for the right time

Treat waiting like a friend, in a loving and close way, not like an enemy who may not give you what you crave with such ardor. Do an exercise and give thanks every day for what you’ve already acquired, regardless of the outcome of your wait. In this way, the energy of that word, for you, will symbolize strength and light, with a beautiful path to reach goals that, naturally, will come to you without forcing, simply because they are destined to be yours.

Text written by Bia Cantanti
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