Captain America: Are The Values ​​he Represents Out Of Date?

Captain America is a superhero who has gained great reputation around the world in recent years. It first appeared in 1941, in the middle of World War II, mainly as propaganda. It was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, two of the greatest comic book illustrators.

The captain was designed as a patriotic super soldier fighting the Nazi forces. Published just as thousands of young people were fighting in Europe, it quickly became the favorite hero of many.

The popularity of superheroes dropped after the war period, and the comics that chronicled the adventures of Captain America faded away.

It wasn’t until the year 1964 that Captain reappeared, published under the Marvel image. From that moment on, his comics have been published regularly until today.

In 2001, as part of Marvel’s Cinematographic Universe, a film debuted under the name ‘ The First Avenger’ . Under the direction of Joe Johnston, Captain America was a smash hit at the box office.

From that moment on, Chris Evans appeared personified as the Captain in all advertisements for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently, the character of Captain America is already part of seven films, including the three of the series The Avengers.

The captain’s courage is, without a doubt, one of his most appreciated qualities. However, this character’s code of behavior seems out of date and expired. Thus, what seemed morally appropriate in fighting the Nazis does not seem to have the same impact in the face of today’s global threats.

Are the values ​​he represents really out of date?

Steve Rogers, a good man

As fanatics know, the Captain is a man ahead of his time. Captain America emerges as Steve Rogers’ alter ego after he turned into a super soldier.

Born in the 1920s and raised in a poor area of ​​Brooklyn, Rogers was always a sick child. Spending a lot of time at home recovering from illness, he ended up becoming an art lover. Despite his quiet nature and taste for drawing, Rogers has courage and patriotism inside him.

When he is old enough, Rogers tries to enlist in the US Army. However, he is rejected several times due to his appearance and stature.

In this way, he accepts to be part of the Rebirth Project. There, he is injected with a serum and exposed to radiation. After this procedure, the weak and lanky Steve Rogers transforms into a tall, strong man. This is the moment when Captain America is born.

What makes him the Captain, however, is not his physical qualities. Steve Rogers was chosen for this post for his moral qualities. Among them are, of course, his courage, his leadership skills and his honesty.

Times change, but what about principles?

Steve Rogers is constantly surprised and confused by technological advances and some social norms. At the same time, it is pleased with the progress made in the areas of gender equality and racial justice.

Many people think that the values ​​associated with the good go beyond time. However, time and seasons change. Thus, some qualities that are admirable and great at some times become rejected at others.

The virtues in the time of Homer’s heroes are not the same ones we identify in today’s heroes. So, for Captain America, how is the moral dilemma resolved? What makes this Captain stay effective?

Captain America, an enduring hero

Many people go to the movies for the thrill of seeing the Captain in action. Increasingly, superhero movies innovate in the field of special effects.

However, there is clearly a quality behind the immense success of Steve Rogers’ films. There is a quality to their stories that serves as a balm to the warring world in which we live. We know that at the end of each movie, good will triumph.

Captain America has his “old-fashioned” moral code based on values ​​such as honor, integrity and courage. This moral code is exactly what the world so badly needed, whether in the 20th century or now. The world has changed, but the importance of the values ​​to which Rogers is attached has not.

Thus, it is incorrect to state that the captain’s ethics are black and white with no gray scale. Like anyone else, Rogers’ ethics and morals  are shaped by constant decisions.  The fact that Steve Rogers is a good person is due to his conviction. Captain America is determined to do good and acts that way under all circumstances.

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