Be Proud Of Your Little Victories

Be proud of your little victories

You don’t need to prove to anyone that you are capable. About this, it is enough for you to believe in yourself. What others will say or think is not up to you. You can’t control the other, you don’t have the remote control of the world in your hands. But you can and should, do what you’re supposed to do, control your own choices, and celebrate your little victories. This is much easier and positive!

Chase your dreams, do what you can, start with the easiest, go up slowly, walking is as important as victory! An adventurer, conquering the top of a mountain, started from below, step by step, one day at a time. Maybe some called him crazy, others irresponsible and even doubted he would succeed. But those who really want it, who really want it and go in search, get it! It doesn’t matter if the climb to the top takes a day, a year, or a lifetime. It doesn’t matter how much other people’s judgments bother you.

Have a focus and know where you want to go, start with what is within your reach, but do it, don’t delay! Don’t give up along the way, be proud and celebrate small victories! This is one of the secrets of great dreamers and masterminds! It is not enough to dream, it is necessary to put it into practice and vibrate, vibrate a lot!

Woman happy for her little victories

The story is told of a competition of frogs that were supposed to reach the top of a very tall tower. A crowd followed the competition and disbelieved that they could make it there. “It’s too hard, no one will make it.” “These frogs are crazy, is there anything else to do?” The frogs gradually began to fall; others, very few, continued to climb, but under pressure from the crowd, they believed they couldn’t, got discouraged and fell. Except one frog, which after a lot of effort, reached its destination. Of course, at this moment everyone came to woo the frog and ask how he had managed it. To the surprise of that crowd: the frog was deaf!

In the climb of life, some people will point the finger at you, others will discourage you, others will only be close to see you fall.

achieve new goals

There are few who really celebrate small victories with you

Crying with those who cry is easy, I want to see you be happy with those who rejoice. Stay away from negative people, who disbelieve in your potential, do not listen to what they say about your dreams. It’s very easy to recognize those who are with you: win in life and some who got lost along the way will come back to look for you, they are the famous hangers-on who want to take advantage of everything; on the other hand, others will move away, because they could not bear to see your achievements up close, these are the people who cannot see the other more successful than her, they crave what you have, they envy you. Some will say you were lucky… poor things!

Give value to your little achievements, only you know the pains and heartaches you went through in each one of them. It wasn’t luck, it was determination, it was persistence, it was resilience! To get to the top of the very tall tower, don’t look down, go step by step and don’t use anyone as a crutch. Your achievements will be much more victorious if achieved with authenticity! You know that famous phrase by Jean Cocteau: “Not knowing it was impossible, he went there and did it!” So, use it as your life’s motto!

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