What Signs Tell Us That A Person Wants To Die?

What signs tell us that a person wants to die?

The desire to die is represented by the  nonconformity and dissatisfaction that the person has with their current way of life. Thus, it can be expressed in phrases like:  “It’s not worth living life”, “I want to die”, “To live like this, I’d rather be dead”.

What makes certain people more resistant and better able to face the difficulties that life brings? What makes a person not able to see another way out of a complicated situation, other than putting an end to his own life?

The truth is, people carry out a suicide attempt for a variety of reasons. Some wish to die, others may wish so badly, but we can talk about a common factor: most people who commit suicide or try to commit suicide are depressed. More than 90% of suicides are related to an emotional disorder or other mental illness.

However, not all suicidal people are depressed and not all depressed people take their own life. There are other factors that can influence the decision not to continue living, such as feelings of guilt,  which do not allow the person to accept or forgive themselves. In addition, it seems that, in recent times, the economic crisis, lack of employment and loss of status can make people want to stop living.

Whatever the cause of the suicide attempts, we can interpret it as a warning, a way to punish the people you are angry with, or a way to control a situation that, at a given moment, we believe is out of control. .

What the suicidal person doesn’t know is that, in reality, he doesn’t want to die as much as he wants to escape the situation he’s going through, and he really believes that death is the only possible escape route. Suicide is often an impulsive act, caused by increased anxiety and despair  that a person may feel at a given moment, after a stressful situation. Studies conducted over the past 20 years suggest that unbearable anxiety is one of the greatest short-term risks, causing depressed people to try to take their lives.

What signs tell us that we are facing a person who wants to die?

1. Talk about suicide or death in general.

2. Talk about “leaving”, taking “a long trip” or “leaving”.

3. Saying that you no longer need certain things and giving them to other people.

4. Expressing feelings of hopelessness or guilt.

5. Not wanting to go out or have relationships with family and friends.

6. Failing to participate in favorite activities.

7. Changes in eating or sleeping habits.

8. Manifestation of self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, self-mutilation, etc.).

A person who wants to commit suicide is someone who has given up hope of achieving something. She feels guilty or cannot forgive herself or others. So if you’ve ever had the wish to die, I want you to know that not everyone is overcome by emotions or complicated situations.

Many people get over it  and become able to see problems from different points of view. That way they can find a way to move forward with hope and will. Two words can help minimize this desire, including eliminating it from your thoughts: HOPE AND FORGIVENESS.

HOPE  that no situation, however complicated and difficult it may be, is eternal. There are times that can get tough, but with a little hope and determination, we can change the negative cycle of events. Change your negative view and you can start with attitudes directed towards your goals.

FORGIVE  when you suffer damage or an offense and you don’t know how to deal with it. It is normal for this to cause internal tensions, which translate into depression or anxiety.

Lest they harm you again, you shrink into your own shell, storing negative feelings of hate and resentment. The idea of ​​suicide sounds tempting, but you have no idea how this terrible sadness you will leave upon your family and loved ones will haunt you throughout your entire existence. It is possible that they spend their lives wondering if they could have done something to avoid it.

Do you really want to hurt the people you love? To forgive, you just need to open up and get close to those people, those you love; it is just a small effort that will come out of your generosity .

Photo courtesy of Maroz.

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