If Things Are Going Wrong, Don’t Get Carried Away

If things are going wrong, don't get carried away

Do we see the world as it is or how we feel? This question is very important, but at the same time answering it is very difficult. Because when we’re okay, everything seems to go from strength to strength; but if one day we are sad, the world seems to be against us. Ultimately, reality challenges us to make an effort. If things are going wrong, don’t get carried away.

We know that everything ends up passing away, that even the most complicated circumstance comes to an end, that even the worst storm hides the sun behind its clouds. However, when we are submerged in this negative situation, everything seems to fall on us.

Without meaning to, we become very negative people, thinking that there is no way out and that it is all over. We are not able to see ahead and we let ourselves be carried away by our feelings, abandoning ourselves and letting the wind against us make us lose much more than we would have lost in the case of opposition.

Don’t get carried away by these negative emotional responses brought on by terrible situations. If you do, you will not be able to see or find the way out.

Don’t get carried away when your negative emotions show up

It is inevitable to feel negative emotions, just as it is inevitable to have to face events and circumstances that oppose our desires. These emotions play a role in focusing on what is happening to us, in making us reflect on our circumstances and find a solution to them. However, its adaptive function can get buried when emotion takes over our actions and thoughts.

That’s when our thoughts fill with defeatism, lowering our arms and abandoning the behaviors that try to balance the negative tendency we’re going through: minimizing the loss. In these cases, instead of keeping the information that the emotion tries to convey to us, we let it become a loudspeaker that reproduces itself insidiously, reducing our spirits… and with it our strength.

Woman holding birds by ropes

So if you find yourself in a situation like this, don’t get carried away by your negative emotions. Don’t even try to fight them: they will never be your enemies if you give them the right treatment. Simply extract your information and your energy from them. Accept that they are now a part of you, but don’t allow them to go viral, contaminating every thought and behavior.

No matter how complicated a situation, there is always a way out. So don’t get carried away by what you’re feeling right now. If you do, a big fog will obscure your perspective.

Yes, right now you feel very bad. Your partner left you and you believe you won’t find anyone else. You’ve been fired from work and you think that’s the drop that filled your glass. You’ve been disappointed and you think you have to start distrusting everyone. All of this does not help you, it limits you and prolongs the suffering and pain you have been holding hands with.

The importance of taking an emotional distance

Although we are overwhelmed and feel that there is no possible hope due to the clouds that exist in our minds, it is necessary to make an effort to emotionally distance ourselves from the situation we are experiencing. We’re not seeing anything clear, so why not get away for a bit?

This will help us to see what happens more clearly. We will gain a new perspective that will give us useful information to get out of the point where we are stuck.

Now how can we create emotional distance? We can start by thinking about a situation in the past in which we experienced similar feelings. Can we overcome it? In addition, over time, we relativize the importance we give to all these adversities we have gone through.

woman getting into cup of tea

This will allow us to see that this situation is the same. It just changed the content, but in reality let’s get out of it. It can also help us to talk to other people and pay attention to how they live what we are going through. Putting ourselves in your shoes will help us see our situation from a new perspective.

Just think that while you believe you don’t have the power to change anything that’s going on, that doesn’t mean you have to let yourself be dragged along. Swimming upstream is sometimes necessary. Especially at those times when emotions so blur your vision that you may end up suffering from severe depression. So don’t get carried away by what you know you might see in a much less dramatic perspective in the future.

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