How Can A Psychologist Help With Obesity Treatment?

How can a psychologist help with obesity treatment?

Although many don’t realize it, the treatment of obesity also has a very important psychological component, in which therapy can be of great help.

Obesity is a health problem caused by different factors that can be physical, genetic, psychological and environmental. In addition to aesthetic problems, according to the WHO, obesity has dangerous consequences for health. Among the most frequent are cardiovascular problems, movement disorders and some types of cancer (liver, gallbladder, kidney and bowel).

In recent years psychology has become very important in the treatment of obesity. Psychologists work with obese and overweight people to learn a series of tools that allow them to lose weight or maintain the changes achieved through surgical interventions for obesity.

In this article, we will analyze the different factors associated with being overweight, emphasizing those of a psychological nature. We will also dedicate a space to highlight the importance and characteristics of psychological therapy in the treatment of obesity.

What factors are involved in obesity and overweight?

Obesity is a multifactorial disease : its origin and survival are due to different causes or variables. Next, we will briefly review the main variables and factors associated with obesity and overweight.

Genetic and physical factors

The debate over the influence of genetics on obesity is quite controversial; in fact, the number of cases of obesity due to genetic reasons is very low. While it is true that there are genetic syndromes that present obesity or overweight within their characteristics, approximately 90% of obesity cases are detected in people without these syndromes.

Thyroid problems or other hormonal problems are also often a “belief” about the cause of obesity. Most people who begin to gain weight look for endocrine or metabolic causes that explain this weight gain. However, these attempts fail.

Doctor treating obese patient

Although certain obesity-related genes and physical causes have been identified, these genes are responsible for a few cases. A genetic origin is attributed to many cases of obesity, because usually parents and family members are also obese. But this is, in a large number of cases, because of the shared environment, learned eating habits and attitude towards food and the body, not genetic causes.

“A healthy body is a shelter for the soul. A sick body, a prison”.
– Francis Bacon –

Psychological variables associated with obesity and overweight

Emotions are the psychological elements most associated with obesity and overweight. A person’s emotional state is directly and indirectly linked to appetite, mealtime behavior and also preferences when choosing food.

Emotions directly influence our appetite. Depending on the person, a certain emotion, such as sadness or joy, can increase or decrease the appetite. The effect is individual and depends on each one. There are people who, when they are anxious, tend to eat more, and there are others whose stomachs “close up”. These are direct effects of emotional activation and its physical manifestations.

Indirectly, emotions are associated with a predisposition to eating certain types of food. For example, stress at work causes a person to eat less food. The problem is that these “little foods” are processed and high in calories. A relaxed, positive mood encourages us to eat more slowly and more.

On the other hand, there are a large number of overweight and obese people who use food as a strategy for emotional regulation. In these cases, faced with frustration, boredom or anxiety, the person eats and at that moment feels better, more relieved. And so a strong conditioning is created between eating and decreasing discomfort. Most of the time, guilt and regret follow.

Likewise, in recent years, the idea that there is a “food addiction” has become popular. It is a very controversial subject and for which the psychological and scientific community still does not have a common opinion. In other words, the investigations present different conclusions and data that support them, both for and against the existence of this addiction.

Along this line, food and eating activate the same brain reinforcement pathways as psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and other drugs, in addition to gambling. With this in mind, it can be said that there is an addiction to food, as certain foods are very powerful positive primary reinforcers.

One of the most important psychological variables is what we commonly call “personal habits” and what psychologists call “behavioral habits.” All habits linked to daily routine, diet and eating behavior are variables that predispose or condition obesity and overweight. Habits are also the main cause of weight regain after bariatric surgery or after a successful diet.

The most common habits that cause obesity and overweight are lack of exercise and automatic food intake (without having a balanced mind at the time of eating). This group of habits also includes choosing foods according to the moment and mental state, performing other activities while eating, spending many hours without eating, among others. For all these reasons, it is essential to educate our children from an early age so that they acquire healthy eating habits that protect them against obesity.

woman deciding what to eat

Environmental factors related to obesity and overweight

Environmental variables are the most important, as the influence of the environment is a key element in obesity and overweight. The environment we find ourselves in greatly influences the amount of food we eat. For example, eating together is associated with eating more.

The type and hours of work we have are also related to eating more or less. People with night shifts or rotations are more likely to experience eating problems (anorexia, bulimia, obesity). Both changes in working hours and working at night are related to sleep disturbances, changes in the circadian rhythm (or internal clock). This causes the person not to rest properly, the emotional state tends to become negative, and the adjustment of eating behavior (eating too much or too little) is resorted to as a way to regulate the emotional situation.

How is psychological therapy in the treatment of obesity and overweight?

Psychological therapy in the treatment of obesity and overweight is essential for the success of any diet, surgical intervention, and for its results to be maintained over time. Since the psychologist assesses in depth eating behavior, its context and the factors that influence it, psychological intervention is important.

Psychological treatment always depends on the specific needs of each patient. In general, all eating habits are covered. First, it is necessary to carry out a detailed assessment of all psychological factors related to food. The results of the psychological assessment will determine what needs to be done in therapy.

How can a psychologist help you if you are obese or overweight?

The psychologist is the health professional specializing in behavior, emotions and thoughts. Therefore, he is the person best prepared to help you change unhealthy habits and learn to manage your emotions in a positive and beneficial way for your self-esteem.

A treatment for obesity will not be complete if there is no psychological therapy within the program. When we only attack excess weight, the person loses pounds and this is very motivating, gives the individual a lot of personal strength and improves self-esteem. But the root of the problem is still there: the emotional role of food and bad eating habits.

“Health and joy are born together and naturally”.
– Joseph Addison –

Psychologist attending to an obese patient

If you don’t re-educate your eating habits and learn to deal with stress and emotions, you will revert to old habits over time. Your relationship with food hasn’t changed, you’ve just lost weight. When you lose weight and don’t change your system of life, your relationship with food and your eating behavior, you will likely gain a lot of weight in a short time.

In this sense, it is essential to understand obesity as a health problem in which psychological variables play a very important role. Understanding obesity as something more than being overweight opens the door to improving the quality of life for those who have this health problem. People with this problem need to be motivated to undergo specific psychological therapy for obesity, alleviating the stigma that may be associated with consulting a psychologist.

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