5 Tips For Marriage Success

5 Tips For Marriage Success

Currently, differences in marriage are the most common problems in psychologists’ offices. Infidelity, jealousy, emotional dependence and difficult coexistence end the relationship.

If we look back, we will see that this has not happened a few years ago. In the past, despite adversity, marriage lasted a lifetime. This was because the woman depended almost entirely on the man; I took care of the house, the children and did not work outside the home.

Fortunately, things are very different today. The problem is that this has caused many couples to end their relationships, and psychological problems resulting from this breakup are very common.

According to some studies, currently the marriage does not last more than ten years, due to the rush of daily life and lack of communication.

While there is no such thing as a perfect marriage, we have some tips that can help you with this task.

don’t demand anything

If you want a lasting marriage, be tolerant of your partner. Sometimes we are very demanding with each other, as if we were their owner. In reality, nobody owns anybody.

Be aware that we are human and we make many mistakes. Try to be understanding and empathetic with your partner, don’t demand that he be what you want him to be.

This is not to say that we cannot suggest that it behave otherwise; but there is a big difference between suggesting and demanding. Dialogue is essential for everything to flow better, and for the other to accept changing what we don’t like.

No one likes to be pressured, but if we are convinced that change is needed, we can change our point of view.

Forget the past

The past no longer exists, so it makes no sense to grieve for something that is over. If we cannot forget what happened, all we will get is pain and suffering.

If your partner was unfaithful and you forgave him, forget it. Remember, he made a mistake, but you chose to forgive, so it doesn’t make sense to dwell on the past. Forget it and move on.

Don’t forget that the other is your partner

We often forget that we chose this person to love and live together for the rest of our lives. We let ourselves be carried away by impulses, negative emotions, and we end up arguing and even offending the other.

Don’t forget that insults can offend your loved one, and if this happens regularly, it could end your marriage.

Don’t yell, don’t be disrespectful ; a calm and loving dialogue manages to harmonize your relationship.

play with everyday problems

Hair in the shower drain, open toothpaste, or messy closet won’t become a big problem if we’re in a good mood.

We often dramatize problems that are of no importance and living together can become unbearable.

It’s true that it can be uncomfortable to deal with the toilet lid up, but don’t let that end up in a serious argument.

It’s just not worth it! There are many other things that each of you do well. Remember the beginning of the article: don’t demand, suggest. After all, it was you who chose your partner.

Companionship in marriage

don’t be dependent

Living together in marriage can be very fun and enjoyable. Surprise your partner with something you know he likes and will make him happy. It doesn’t have to be on a special date, the important thing is that you make a good dinner, take him to see a show by the group he likes the most, even if it’s not his favorite, etc.

Sometimes we can give in and participate in activities that our partner enjoys. We can even experiment. Maybe we started to like it too?

On the other hand, we shouldn’t depend on our partner to do what we like. If we like different things, we can have fun separately.

Building a good marriage is easy and, at the same time, difficult. We often get carried away by negative feelings and lose respect, honesty and empathy. Practice these five tips daily and your marriage will positively evolve.

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