What’s Behind The Obsession With Accumulating Large Fortunes Of Money?

What's behind the obsession with accumulating large fortunes of money?

Certainly, each of us has in mind some cases of very rich people who, due to their excessive attachment to money, ended up having unfortunate fates. Scams, corruption, jail or debt are some of the consequences that obsession with money can cause in people.

Crematistics is the name of the obsession some people have with accumulating wealth and possessions. Those who suffer from this obsession are subject to anything to earn more and more. The family, friends, partner and even the person themselves are no longer so relevant to those who suffer from this obsession when an opportunity to increase their financial assets arises.

Money, in perspective, helps us to live better in a world dominated by capitalism. But we mustn’t forget that  money is just a piece of paper that has some exchange value. Having enough money to live with dignity is necessary: ​​we need to feed ourselves, have a home and dress.

Is it just the money?

For many people money represents positive short-term reinforcement. This reinforcement feeds obsessive ideas to accumulate more and more. The person who suffers from crematism needs this positive reinforcement on a constant basis, so he has the feeling that there is never enough.

But it’s not just the fact that you deposit large amounts of money into your account. In the society we live in,  having more money is closely related to success, and in turn, to being more or less valuable as a person.

man obsessed with money

If we investigate a little, we can see that, in addition to the reinforcement given by the money and the social recognition that these people need, there is something else. The adrenaline gained from performing prohibited actions or offenses also becomes a great reinforcer. Thus, acting recklessly can become a drug that distorts reality for these people, making them think that they are more interesting and attractive.

And what does it do? As in any case where hedonism gains short-term importance, these people end up losing their inner values ​​and commitments. Nothing is of value to them, but at the same time no amount, possession or achievement is enough.

This obsessive need to be accepted and approved by others – since they are not able to achieve this being what they really are – leads these people directly to the situation they fear most. Thanks to their self-fulfilling prophecy, they are left alone and without the approval for which they sacrificed so much.

The mental need these people have is never completely satisfied.  This allows us to clearly see that the solution to your inner emptiness is not something as superficial as having more or less money, property, or possessions.

Examples such as the Spanish broker Martin-Artajo, the Lobo of Wall Street, or the corruption cases of politicians convey the message of this article. The truth is, there are people so empty inside that they need something outside to fill their needs. What can make these people want more than they have? What kind of life do they want to lead?

These questions make us think that, in addition to money, they are also interested in the image they think such money projects on them. They have a need for recognition, to show themselves valuable and powerful in front of others, in addition to the spirit that can arise when carrying out clandestine or prohibited actions.

The need for approval

The need for approval has driven a large number of behaviors throughout history. In prehistoric times, what was not accepted by the group was outside the cave, with all the dangers that could involve. Death was much closer if we were not accepted by the community.

people powered by money

Eliminating this absurd pseudo-necessity could lead to a cure for this psychological typology. In this way, people could see that money is an illusion: in fact, it does nothing more than cover material needs that are already satisfied.

Human beings need very few objects to feel full in this world. When we acquire something, the object’s value lasts for a certain period of time, which is very short, and then loses value; we then need an improved version of what we just purchased. Something that brands know very well, that’s why they keep launching more current and modern models.

Let’s not be fooled:  what really brings happiness is feeling full with the little things in life, but mostly, loving ourselves and accepting ourselves as we are.

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