Life Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Wonderful

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful

We got used to being very demanding with life and even with ourselves. We set goals, objectives and several dreams to fulfill. And, of course, all of this is not only good, it is necessary.

We all need short-term and long-term projects  to fulfill, to be proud of ourselves, to acquire personal skills and abilities.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.  We know this is an easy thing to say, but… Are you one of those people who already know how to do this? Or are you still stuck in your quest to achieve the long-awaited perfection? Don’t worry, we’ll reflect on that in this article.

People looking for everyday perfection


Being demanding and striving for perfection in everything we do is, on many occasions, the other side of the coin. Demand makes us develop different capacities, but  those who apply high demands to themselves are almost never satisfied.

Sometimes we hear those around us complain in a sad lament with that phrase that  “Everything bad happens to me, “Everything always works out for everyone else and I always go the wrong way”…. These types of phrases and thoughts have always existed and will always exist. However, before falling into this type of behavior, we should consider the following:

  • Happiness is not in perfection. No one is guaranteed absolute happiness just by being rich, attractive or in good health.
  • Life is measured in moments and, above all, in our ability to be open to reality, to opportunity, to the magic of the simplest details that surround us.
  • Whoever aspires to a perfect life climbs a peak to try to reach the universe, while losing every day the wonders that happen at his feet.
  • There is another aspect that we must consider:  those who live in self-demand struggling to have a perfect life also drag others to fulfill this objective.
  • The person who aspires to obtain a perfect life tends to place such high limits on the people around them that what he or she ends up generating is, in reality, great unhappiness.

Life is wonderful for those who let themselves go, for those who know how to appreciate


And do you…  know how to appreciate all the wonders that surround you on a daily basis?  Sometimes this is difficult because of the rush, the worries, the inner voice that keeps us from seeing the magic of life.

Not everyone is able to discover or appreciate the most authentic essence of everyday life:

  • The light that comes to everyone each morning;
  • The presence of a family,  yours,  getting up to have breakfast with you, in harmony and tranquility;
  • An accomplice hand that caresses you;
  • The mischievous smile of your children ;
  • A subway that slows you down and allows you to read a few more pages of a book;
  • The health that allows you to come and go, run, sleep, swim, love…
  • The weekend nap, on the couch with your pet;
  • The smell of wet earth after a rain;
  • The beautiful sunset on a quiet beach.

Life is moments that are inscribed in everyday life with a subtle serenity. It is a language of its own that moves at its own pace and that not everyone knows how to appreciate, because there are those who go against the current, in a great hurry, with a tuneless heart and a very full mind.


Life is wonderful without the need to be perfect, because what is perfect lacks mistakes or mistakes and, therefore, there is no learning and evolution.

Image credits : Pascal Campion, Nancy Zhang

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