If The Door Isn’t Opening, This Isn’t Your Way

If the door is not opening, this is not your way.

If the door doesn’t open, it’s simply not the right door, let alone the way. On occasion, however, we invest a lot of time and effort looking for keys to open a door that can never be opened. Sometimes there isn’t even a door. Because there are impossible destinations, people who do not fit our locks and paths that it is better not to travel.

It is true, however, that none of us settles our personal destiny right from the start. It should also be said that it is not wrong to get lost from time to time. Opening doors that we soon close again is good to gain experience, to know who is and who is not among what is worth the investment. In these cases, we gain experience and we must go without fear, but with balance and a correct attitude.

Psychologists and sociologists have wondered for a long time what makes us choose one path and not another. It is often said that our choices define us very well, but in reality many of the mechanisms that make us go in one direction and not the other are still not conscious. We invite you to think about it.

A closed door can sometimes be a wall to be knocked down

The popular voice always tells us that when one door closes another one opens. We also often hear another phrase that says happiness is like butterflies… if we chase it, it escapes us. If we stay quiet, she comes to us. Now, if we took these words literally, we would come to the conclusion that opportunities appear on their own, as if by art or magic.

When a door closes, we usually spend a long time regretting the impossibility of following that path. Nobody reacts so quickly that they can see another way out, another choice that could be better, a better way. On the other hand, and as an example, it is worth knowing an interesting book “The art of choosing”, by psychologist Sheena Iyengar, which in Portuguese is called “The art of choosing”.

Dr. Ivengar is blind. When he arrived in Canada from India, he knew that his family, as his culture demanded, would decide who he would marry at the right time. His blindness gave him the idea that he could not get out of this circle, this personal prison. But thanks to his university days, he became aware that the minds of others have no rights to choose for us, whatever. The doors that others close to us are also walls that we can and must break down.


Go back and start again when too many doors close for us

Perhaps, at some point in our life cycle, we haven’t made the best decisions. Or it could even happen over a long period of time. Enough time to make us believe that this is what we have for us forever. But it must not be forgotten that behind closed doors, the emptiness and sadness that are constantly gnawed upon remains with us. Maybe we’re talking about a relationship, a job or a friendship that didn’t end very well.

Now that we know that the doors we choose do not always open immediately, let’s talk about the emergency doors with which we can find a new way out towards true happiness. It is worth reflecting on these questions to understand that life, in reality, is a labyrinth of doors through which we can walk, cross, enjoy, learn and without a doubt… close.


Keys to finding the most suitable path

No path chosen along your existential journey was in vain. Far from repenting for having crossed a door, for having, for example, maintained a relationship, for starting a project and not completing it, simply because we have frustrations instead of joys, it is necessary to assume everything that was experienced as opportunities for apprenticeship. Because every scar teaches, and every wrong path is also an invitation to start over.

  • Understand that when something ends, happiness does not automatically restart itself. It is necessary to go through a time in which we rebuild ourselves, connect with ourselves again and properly close the doors, the steps.
  • There will come a time when we will feel prepared. Far from looking back, we will once again feel the invitation to look ahead, to go back to imagining and walking now with more security and more wisdom.
  • Understand that in addition to not having an ideal path, no door holds the key to eternal happiness or the solution to all our problems. It is the journey itself that gives us the answers, and the joys come and go. The only thing we need is to be more receptive and, above all, courageous to cross the wonderful unknown paths that are there for us to discover…

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