The Curious Puppy, A Beautiful Account Of Fate

The Curious Puppy, A Beautiful Story About Fate

The story of the curious puppy begins in a place near a wood, where there was an abandoned house.  It seemed that many years had passed without anyone entering the place. The puppy was afraid and did not approach for fear of finding something unknown.

However, a seed of curiosity was planted. The next day he returned and walked a little closer to the house, but he dared not enter. The sun began to heat up and the temperature became unbearable. The puppy needed a place to rest from the hot rays.

After a little hesitation, he decided to go inside. The place was completely uninhabited. “Hello!” said the puppy, but no one answered. In one corner was a ladder. The little animal decided to approach. Didn’t see anyone. He then decided to climb with great caution. Then, the curious puppy story changed completely.

an unexpected encounter

When the puppy finished climbing the stairs, he came to a large hall. Entering there, to his surprise, he found something he hadn’t expected.  In the salon there were hundreds of puppies like him. Everyone was in anticipation.

the curious puppy

The curious puppy felt very happy. The others seemed to be very friendly. So he decided to raise his paw and greet them. All responded instantly. The puppy barked in friendship. The others did too. “What a nice place!” thought the puppy. “I’ll come back when I can!”

Days passed and  this time another puppy arrived. This one was different. Much more fearful and forewarned. He went through the same thing as the first one, saw the house and didn’t want to go near it, because he was too scared. That’s why he kept his distance from her.

Same place, different date

The second puppy observed that close to the house there were many nice places. So he  decided to go back, but he always stayed away from the abandoned house. However, one day there was a torrential storm. He had no choice: he had to enter the house.

the curious puppy

Like the first one, he entered through a hole that he quickly dug. Once inside, he observed everything very carefully. He saw the stairs but didn’t come closer. A while passed and he began to feel cold. He thought that maybe if he went up to the second floor, he would feel a little warmer. That’s how he mustered up courage.

On his way up he saw the great hall. He touched his snout and imagined the place was uninhabited. But when he entered, he found hundreds of puppies like him. Immediately, he was on guard, ready to attack. The other puppies did the same. He barked aggressively and the others followed suit. As best he could, he quickly left the house. “I’ll never come back!” he said. “What a dreadful place!”

He was gone so quickly that he couldn’t see an old sign on the floor. It appeared to be a warning. The sign said “House of Mirrors”. Neither the first puppy nor the second had noticed that they only saw the reflection of their own image.

The Lesson Behind The Curious Puppy Story 

The story of the curious puppy shows us a reality that we often overlook. What we see in others is basically a reflection of ourselves. At the same time, we receive from others something similar to what we give. Those who relate to the world in a loving way receive kindness. Whoever does it aggressively gets the same.

Human beings are genetically endowed with enormous sociability. We were born to live in a group. This is part of our biological and cultural makeup. We may be selfish, but the group is always on everyone’s horizon. Therefore, the others are an essential reference factor. Finally, they act as a “house of mirrors”. What we see in them has a lot to do with what we see in ourselves,  as in the story of the curious puppy.

the curious puppy

When we struggle with the world, we should ask ourselves more questions about ourselves than about others. Is the world failing? Or maybe it’s us who provide bonds with others that aren’t so positive? The story of the curious puppy leads us precisely to ask ourselves this question.

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