5 Meditation Exercises With The Visualization Technique

5 meditation exercises with the visualization technique

Resting the mind has numerous benefits, both for our physical and psychological health. It allows us to restore inner balance, from internal listening to harmony between soul and body. But what if we could enjoy these benefits only through our imagination? This is what meditation with visualization is all about: a creative way of doing mental exercises to achieve wellness. Here we will learn 5 meditation exercises with this technique.

To imagine is to create, to enter a world that we have never been to before and to go beyond the limits of reality. Thanks to the power of our imagination we can design a reality exactly as our desires. That’s why its use in meditation is so beneficial. Visualization meditation is used by all types of professionals, from sportsmen to different types of artists and big business people.

Meditation Exercises to Fight Anxiety

Visualization is a technique often used to reduce anxiety. More specifically, it is a tool used to reach a state of full relaxation by decreasing the body’s physiological response or activation that appears in these most stressful moments.

woman breathing fresh air

The following meditation exercises, performed using the visualization technique, allow you to bring back calm and awaken the sense of peace that we often need so much. In addition, they also facilitate the creation of new paths, opportunities, sensations and future joys.

The first thing we should do is go to a comfortable place where we feel very peaceful and can be peaceful and quiet. Once we have this place, this refuge, we must then start breathing deeply, inhaling through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth. Next, we’ll describe the exercises.


The chromatic range has been extensively studied since the beginning of psychology to analyze the perceptions, behaviors and sensations that colors evoke in us. Therefore, imagining that our body is filled with light can be a good way to attract certain emotions.

This exercise consists of breathing deeply while we think we are surrounded by a light of a specific color that changes from white, to orange, to red… In addition, we also have to focus on the physical sensations we experience with each individual’s imagination. color. What does yellow make me feel? Once this is done, the next step is to imagine ourselves in the color that brought us the best sensations until we find ourselves in total harmony.

Muscle tension

We often come home and notice that our whole body aches. To alleviate this feeling, we can use this visualization meditation exercise. What we should do is sit or lie down on the floor, and concentrate on our body until we find the part of the musculature that is the most tense.

The next step is to imagine that this region has a knot that prevents us from moving freely, and we have to undo that knot with our mind. So we have to keep our attention on that knot as each piece of it comes apart, as we breathe and visualize how the tension is unraveling. The ropes fall apart and, in the end, disintegrate as if it were a simple pile of sand.

This exercise can be repeated as many times as you like with any points of muscle tension that are felt in our body.

active memories

We had a rough day. Several unpleasant things happened to us. The exercise that we will explain below will help us to connect with the state of calm that we so much need at times. For that, we have to close our eyes and take a deep breath to transport ourselves to the beginning of our day: how we slept, what we ate for breakfast, how we said good morning to our family… The question is to relive all these thoughts and sensations as if we were actually witnessing this moment.

Once we have recreated everything in as much detail as possible, we should focus our attention on the painful moments so that we can free ourselves and facilitate the process of this part of the day to let go. Then we just have to focus on the present, the here and now, to feel relaxed and free, with our peace of mind made with the bad times of the day.

woman holding dandelion


This visualization meditation exercise is one of the most complete because it combines two senses: sight and hearing. It consists in imagining that we are in a quiet, lonely and dark place. We wrap ourselves in a sense of peace and hear a pleasant popping sound in the distance.

That sound came from a small bubble that popped right beside us. And right after we hear another one on the opposite side. Then over our heads. Little by little, several bubbles are bursting around our entire body, with intensity and delicacy at the same time. We feel more and more relaxed…

face the unknown

What’s over there? What will our future look like? What has life separated for us a few years from now? To face the uncertainties of life, we can visualize ourselves in a dark and closed place, located in a forest. A wind blows outside the venue and you can hear noisy animals… The next step is to close your eyes and focus on the sensation you are experiencing. Is it fear? Or anxiety? We keep our attention on that for a few minutes and then let go.

Now, let’s imagine that a door opens and we see the exit from this room. We ran to her and suddenly found ourselves in the woods with the whole situation. What emotion are we feeling? Once we have identified it, we notice that a path opens up right in front of us… We decided to walk and escape and little by little we will feel how the tension we felt was relieved and eliminated from our body. We are safe and sound, calm and peaceful. All that remains is for us to enjoy the sensation and connect deeply with it.

These visualization meditation exercises can be performed anytime, anywhere. Just train our ability to concentrate and also develop the creative ability to feel the sensations of relief generated by situations in our mind.

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