The Magic Stone, A Story About Mind Blindness

The magic stone, a story about mental blindness

This is an old story about mind blindness that has been handed down for generations. The elders say that there were several alchemists in a distant country inhabited by wise men. Among them was one who was determined to discover the Philosopher’s Stone. As everyone knows, this mineral was capable of converting any metal into gold.

More than getting rich, what the alchemist wanted was to overcome a challenge that no one had been able to achieve. Therefore, he dedicated all his days and nights to investigating the mysteries of nature. He spent several years like this. The story about mind blindness tells us that after exactly 13 years, the alchemist achieved what he so desperately wanted.

At first he was fascinated by his discovery. Finally he had the Philosopher’s Stone and had achieved what so many could not. As his challenge was fulfilled, he was no longer interested in the subject. For this reason, during a journey, he threw the philosopher’s stone by the wayside. That someone found her, that no longer interested him.

The first step in the story about mental blindness

According to the history of mental blindness, the news reached the ears of some of the inhabitants of that country. The rumor began to circulate and reached the ears of another distant country, where there was a man who deeply lamented his poverty and loneliness. When I learned that the alchemist had left the philosopher’s stone somewhere along the way, I could no longer sleep.

Every night he wondered what his life would be like if he could find the famous stone. He would no longer have to go through any need and surely his loneliness would also end. Everyone knows that rich men have many friends and are liked by those around them.

The man came to the conclusion that this was the greatest opportunity of his life. Whatever the cost, he was willing to seek out and find the philosopher’s stone. Motivated by this desire, he took his few belongings and began a long journey at dawn. It took two months to reach the land of the sages, and once there, the search began.

The magic stone, a story about mental blindness

an arduous journey

The man began his long journey through the northern part of the country. He walked all day until tiredness overcame him. He collected all the stones he found on the way. Then he rubbed them against the steel belt buckle and waited a moment. Seeing that nothing happened, he continued on his way.

In fact, this journey was very difficult. Sometimes I found a hundred stones in a single pile and it was necessary to test them all. It took several days to walk just a kilometer or two. However, the story about mental blindness says that this man was completely determined to achieve his goal. He ‘wouldn’t give an arm to cheer’.

The days, the weeks and then the months began to pass. Without realizing it, the man in our story has completed eight years of searching. Sometimes he looked like a machine. Always doing the same thing: looking at the ground, looking for rocks and testing one by one.

magic stones

The effects of mental blindness

One day he was walking as usual, doing his usual chore, when he suddenly felt tired. He decided to sit down to rest in the shade of a beautiful willow tree. Suddenly he looked at the buckle on his belt and his eyes lit up: it had turned to gold. I couldn’t believe it. He jumped with happiness, shouted: “I did it! I got it!” and danced like a fool.

However, he kept thinking that he hadn’t noticed the moment his buckle turned to gold. Maybe it happened recently, or maybe not. Perhaps the philosopher’s stone acted immediately, or perhaps not. What was the stone that generated this effect on the metal? He was paralyzed. He looked back and saw several piles of stones he had just tested. Which one would be the miracle stone?

The story of the magic stone

It was then that he realized that he hadn’t been paying attention to what he had been doing for a long time. He went through his routine mechanically, tired and without much hope. So I hadn’t paid attention to the miracle that happened.

He was on the right path and at the same time he was lost. The story about mental blindness ends by saying that  the path that leads us to seek happiness in something external is as hard and ungrateful as the path one travels without realizing it.

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