In My Worst Moments I Was Alone

In my worst moments I was alone

In my worst moments, I was alone. I saw how everyone turned their backs on me, or at least the people who circled around me. In good times it is very easy to find company, but in bad times, nobody wants them. To finish off my sadness, I received criticism, contempt and a coldness that chilled my body. I felt sad, very sad.

I stopped believing in human beings, I hid, like a small snail that hides in its little house, waiting for that sun that never appears. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I didn’t want to pick up the phone, all the conversations seemed to me equally empty and inhuman.

Despite everything, I made the effort, the effort to learn to see things differently.

I used my little emotional intelligence. I thought: I wish I were a little older! And I started to let go of all those people, all those big meetings that made me feel even more lonely and sad. Why…

So, I started to broaden my horizons and relied on people who, with their small gestures, made me feel good: a kind word, a hug, a sincere and transparent look.

It was then that I started to see things differently. The snail was beginning to catch a glimpse of sunlight inside its tiny shell.

Perhaps the reality is that we are all alone in life and that we need to accept this in a realistic way. Nobody can be protecting us all the time. Each of us has our own problems and obligations. But any simple gesture, which also doesn’t cost that much, can help us enormously in a bad time we are going through.

Luckily we always find people who have the special ability to comfort. When you least expect it, they appear like that long-awaited sun to lift your spirits with just a few words. And it’s something so simple that we should never forget to practice these simple gestures with others. Gestures that magnify us as people.

Because the saddest thing that can happen is losing humanity, something so easy to forget in a society where the values ​​that prevail are not kindness, altruism and respect. A society in which “And me more”, “Me, Me and Me” or “I don’t give you my smile, I’m busy with other things” prevails.

Coldness, lack of humanity leads nowhere. In the maxim “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want them to do to you” is a great teaching that we so often forget to remember.

Therefore, we should all look at our own navel from time to time and think “We all need everyone”. Why don’t I start with myself offering some words loaded with flowers and not daggers that reach straight to the soul and heart? Why don’t each one put his grain of sand and we form a precious mountain?

Dedicated to all those people who, at this moment, feel identified with these words. Dedicated to all those people who no longer believe in the world they live in. Dedicated to all those people who feel overwhelmed by the hopelessness of a world that tends to become more and more dehumanized.

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