65 Reasons To Be Happy

65 reasons to be happy

They say that happiness is something to be savored once in a while and briefly, but we don’t agree with that idea at all. Happiness is in the little things and each day, you just need to see it. We invite you to discover and follow this list with your own discoveries.


1. Discover a poem and read it a hundred times to delve into its metaphors

2. The smell of wet earth after rain.

3. A book to read.

4. A stranger’s smile when walking down the street.

5. Waking up each morning, finding you have a few more hours to sleep.

6. A dream to fulfill.

7. A wish to ask for before blowing out your birthday candles.

8. The movement of the sea on a summer night.

9. Unravel a secret that was whispered in your ear.

10. Learn something new every day.

11. Discover that yesterday’s pain doesn’t hurt as much today.

12. Open a window and let the breeze surround us.

13. Get home and be greeted by our dog’s overflowing joy.

14. Getting tousled in the wind on a summer afternoon.

15. The fleeting aroma of a thorny flower.

16. Plan a trip and travel

17. Meet an old friend on the street.

18. Our children’s laughter.

19. The smell of the pages of a book.

20. An unexpected kiss.

21. Our footprints in the sand on the beach.

22. Remember a childhood smell.

23. The taste of chocolate.

24. The picture we would never stop looking at.

25. Learn. Unlearn.

26. A hot bath.

27. Our cat’s purr in our lap.

28. The relief of tears.

29. Stomach pain from laughing.

30. The movie we never get tired of watching.

31. A silent caress.

32. A trip with almost no luggage, no direction.

33. The smell of freshly cut grass in summer.

34. Summer rains.

35. Bright spring afternoons.

36. The sweet melancholy of autumn.

37. A look that watches us. A smile that seduces us.

38. Seduce. To conquer.

39. Finish a book. Get two more.

40. Hug your child.

41. Listen to a song you like a lot.

42. Get home.

43. Write a letter. Send a letter.

44. The morning dew on the ferns.

45. See ourselves attractive in front of the mirror.

46. ​​Discover a new flavor.

47. Breakfast in bed.

48. Adopt a needy animal.

49. Your friends’ laughter, your complicity.

50. An instant of solitude.

51. A fleeting star sailing through a clear night.

52. A wish fulfilled.

53. Feeling free.

54. Feeling close to someone.

55. Overcoming a fear.

56. A doubt on the face, a new project every day.

57. One love you at midnight.

58. Get rid of worries.

59. Keep your fears in a chest and go for a walk hand in hand with this person you love.

60. Make good memories every day.

61. Discover a new word.

62. Turn off your cell phone and look at the person in front of you.

63. Being a child 5 minutes a day.

64. Crying with laughter.

65. The voice of the people you love.

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