This Short Helps To Better Understand Depression

This short helps to better understand depression.

The  depression  is a very common psychological disorder, since no person is free of suffering from it  at some point in your life. For this reason, it is essential that we all know and know how to identify it, since by detecting it in time, we prevent it from taking hold of us and establishing itself for longer than necessary.

This disorder makes many people suffer in the world: according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), depression affects more than 350 million people, being the main cause of disability worldwide. There are effective treatments for depression and it  is vitally important to identify and treat it in time with the help of a professional.

Short film about depression

One of the main characteristics of  depression  is how it affects the mood of each person, to the point that the person who suffers from depression finds himself unmotivated and lacking interest in doing activities he liked before. Being sad is often confused with being depressed, however, depression is compounded by more symptoms and is much more dysfunctional.

sadness is not depression

Confusion can happen both ways: people who are going through a process of depression may believe that it is a state of sadness, and so they do not care much about it. In another sense, a person who is sad because of the time he is going through his life tends to think that he is depressed.

In both cases, it  is necessary to understand what the depression consists of,  especially to be able to treat the person with the respect they need, and so that they themselves can understand the process they are going through.

Sadness is necessary and, in addition, it acts as a signal to indicate to us something important that is happening in our current life; it develops naturally under some circumstances so that we take care of ourselves in a deeper and more meaningful way.

What happens when depression appears?

Depression, in  addition to requiring a lot of personal work, also needs a professional intervention  by  a psychologist. When depression comes into our lives, it influences and hinders all areas in which we develop; the affective, the work, the social, the family, etc.

Short film about depression

In the case of the short film’s protagonist, Fallin Floyd, depression causes symptoms such as lack of concentration, changes in sleep and appetite, prolonged fatigue, lack of hope, lack of motivation and low self-esteem. He feeds the depressive state through addictions and behaviors that contribute to his malaise.

Detecting the symptoms of depression as soon as possible helps so that we do not remain suffering longer than necessary, and that the problems do not become chronic. If depression is not treated in time by a professional, it can become more resistant, increasing its severity and making it difficult to deal with the whole process that needs to be done.

understanding depression

The fact that we and the people around us understand this disorder facilitates the whole process so that the person suffering from depression does not feel misunderstood ; take charge of your process, let yourself be helped and don’t isolate yourself, making your symptoms even worse.

This short shows us, under the figure of the main character and his companion (depression, characterized by a black spot), some of the characteristic symptoms and the deterioration that happens in his life, until he starts to fall into the deep end.

Finally,  we see  how he regains his passion and learns again to enjoy what he loves, and to regain the feeling of pleasure that once motivated him. Thus, he regains his hopes and his will to live; regaining your joy, and giving yourself the opportunity to mind your own business.

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