Do You Know How To Live Your Life With Passion?

Do you know how to live your life with passion?

Passion is one of the most intense emotions we can feel in life, and it forms the soul of our own success. We can feel passion when we are dedicated to what we really love and consider most important.

To know if we are living with passion, it is good to check if we are putting too much effort into what we do or not, if we need to pay attention to what we do unconsciously, or if we feel time passing when we are doing what we like.

We will talk about passion and how to enhance your experience and development. Few are the people who have come to feel the passion within them and who set out to discover what actually makes them live and shine. As with creativity, we’ll start by demystifying the idea that not all of us are able to feel it. Everyone deserves to live in love, each one of us, no matter how different we are.

I can assure you that a life without passion does not allow us to reach and share the authentic inner potential with which we came into this world. When you feel the passion for what you live, you are able to take risks and give your best to those around you and those you love.

You also learn that each person’s passions are unique and possibly not repeated. You choose each of them yourself, how to feel them and how to materialize them. You are the one who gives rise to your own feelings and you have incredible power over them. You decide how you want to live and feel life; in the end it just depends on you.

If you are one of those people who want to feel passion for what you do, dream or live in your daily life, I recommend this precious exercise that consists of 5 simple steps:

1. Write a list of your 15 passions: what you like best, what is most special to you, or what forms the basis of your happiness.

2. Now choose the 3 you like the most.

3. Write 4 or 5 sensations that describe what would happen when you were experiencing each of the 3 passions.

4. Write down the negative thoughts that keep you from realizing and living these passions.

5. Think about how you could make your own a way of life that promotes resources or gains, bearing in mind that passion and success are two inseparable ingredients.

One piece of advice I would like to give you to live with passion is to get together and live life with people who are passionate about what they do and feel. When we are with them, we enjoy a much more intense existence and, luckily, the passion is contagious.

It’s easy to know when a person is in love: he talks about his passions filling himself with light and love to share with others. This is what my heart felt when I heard, in my case, Pau Garcia-Milá, one of the entrepreneurs with the greatest light and passion, with whom I could enjoy, learn and admire. I hope you too can feel free and full of passion for life.

But what is it like to live a life with passion?

The answer is to live every moment of life enjoying the intensity with which you would live your last day.

A life with passion is living using all the senses, being aware of your own reality and reaching an inner fullness that allows us to develop all our personal “magic”. For this, emotional intelligence will be our best ally, allowing us to break the barriers created by our fears and our limiting beliefs, acquiring a multitude of complementary tools for its achievement and achievement.

Being able to live with passion is an achievable dream for all of us. I encourage you to dare to feel freedom, break down barriers, undertake, start each day anew, experience, enjoy, live in the here and now, make things possible, grow constantly and, best of all, love and share that love for life and for ourselves.

Image courtesy of De Visu

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