You Don’t Have To Lose To Value

You don't need to lose to appreciate

Realize now everything that makes you happy. Realize now how much fun you have when you are together. Realize now all that you offer each other. Realize right now all that you have, don’t wait any longer because tomorrow may be too late (or simply later), realize right now that it is not necessary to lose in order to appreciate.

The present is the only real moment we have in our hands to live intensely, so don’t wait any longer to be grateful for what you have, to enjoy every moment. Don’t risk putting it off until tomorrow, because in that sense prudence will not be rewarded.

You have the power to see your surroundings now, appreciate it, enjoy it. It’s hard to say that, but the people you love aren’t forever, many friends will no longer be your friends, the kids will begin their lives, your job will no longer make sense, your vacation will end, and even though it’s painful, it’s just like that. So take the reins of your life and make it count, turn what you have today into eternal memories, don’t wait to lose to realize how important it was.

Don’t let the kisses you want to give go to waste

Here is the magic of what you call happiness. We don’t need a lot of things, we just have to make room in our consciousness for what we have today, here and now. Perhaps tomorrow you will have the opportunity to do the same as today, with the same people and with the same will, but that is not an argument for missing today.

man and woman kissing

Sleep every day with a pleasant taste in your mouth, the result of your day. You will have the feeling of peace that comes from having enjoyed time, having drunk life. That way, you won’t have to miss anything to realize its true value, because there’s nothing better to get it than making the most of it.

The kisses you can give today, give them all, say “I love you” a thousand times to those you care about, spend quality time with your loved ones, love like it’s the last day and enjoy all you can today; not tomorrow, no, right now. Enjoy and feel free to do so, because the judgment of others has nothing to do with you, no matter how much they use your name as a topic in their conversations.

Don’t wait to lose to appreciate: be grateful today

For seeing the sheets of the calendar go by and thinking that things around us are perennial. Not realizing that soon it may be too late or believing that what we have today will remain tomorrow, we miss the opportunity to reflect on what is important and the lack we feel of little things and people who accompany us on a daily basis.

We end up losing them and letting it all go by because we think we have the power to control time, but it doesn’t work that way. The most curious thing is that we see many goodbyes every day, but in few occasions we realize what they mean. We hide the pain that could stimulate reflection with routine and haste. Now is not the time; the moment never comes, we hardly ever express and manifest the truth, even though inside we suffer the effects.

woman breathing fresh air

Knowing the value of what you have will help you enjoy, generate memories and write a life you enjoy. Yours. It’s nothing but simple things, which at bottom have the potential to turn us into giants.

Never forget that. You don’t need to lose to appreciate…

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