Being Prepared Is Half The Victory

Being prepared is already half the victory

Whenever I need to make an important decision, I stop, take a deep breath, and listen to my heart until I realize I’m ready to move on.

Furthermore, I don’t just act that way when I need to make decisions, but also with sudden changes that leave us disoriented and not knowing how to act. For me, being prepared is a process that allows me to find emotional balance.

Focus on the “starting point” to reach the goal

As we talk about the decisions we need to make and the changes we will face, there can be two starting points: planning for change through deep reflection on the past, or focusing on the present to change the future.

Usually  we are not prepared to face sudden changes, but we need to accept and face with objectivity all the situations that present themselves in our life.


Perhaps objectivity in the face of something that is oppressing us and does not let us see the situation clearly is one of the most difficult goals to achieve, however, it is one of the most effective and rewarding.

It is not the same with decisions that depend only on us and put us face to face with how we want to be with ourselves and with others.

In these cases, if we are lucky enough to be able to use some of our time to discuss options, think about consequences and responsibilities, we will be able to focus on a starting point.

Be prepared: you know you’re brave enough

Of course, to reach your goals you will have to act this way many times, and it won’t be easy.

We all know it’s not easy, because everything worthwhile in our life needs to be faced with a lot of personal effort.

The most common feeling during changes is fear. Fear seizes our minds and paralyzes us. However, we need to learn that fear leaves us when we reach the edge of the abyss, and then courage presents itself.

We are all afraid, but we also have courage. We just need to dare to be more courageous than the situation demands, and when that happens we are prepared; half the victory is already ours.


The result is the end

With half victory in our hands, total victory depends on the outcome.

If it was a change from the past, you’ve already won: preparing and breathing is part of overcoming and accepting.

If it was a decision, your option may not be the right one, but don’t get discouraged and don’t get depressed. It’s not all up to you and your efforts.

On the other hand, if you’re wrong, that’s fine: to be wrong is human. The only thing you can control is your attitude: the ability to choose or not, change or not, to remain who you really are.

Believe that the preparation to face everything that happens or can happen is the first step to be able to say: I did it, I did it or I surpassed it.

It doesn’t matter what the outcome is; the important thing is that it brings you the well-being you need.

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