Of Everything You’re Wearing, Your Attitude Is The Most Important

Of everything you're wearing, your attitude is the most important

For many, life as it is is meaningless. Everyday life acquires its meaning depending on how we see things, measure them and allow them to impact us. So, we could say that we, with our attitude, shape everything that happens around us.

It’s certainly happened that you’ve come across people who are always on the defensive, who are always looking for the double meanings and downside of every coin. They are closed, unreceptive and even immature attitudes. Your world is little more than a dead end tunnel.

The relationship between attitude and personality

Attitude and personality are always related. However, while the former can be changed and restructured to a more open and positive perspective, the personality has very deep roots and no one can and will change overnight.

We all live in dark moments, and everyday life always brings these gray clouds that don’t just blow away. There are situations in which instead of fighting to go against something, there is no choice but to assume, accept and always maintain a positive and constructive attitude.

Your attitude and the way you take on the things that happen to you

woman with attitude in the rain

And you… how do you face the things that life likes to present you from time to time? First, it should be noted that attitudes are built through our beliefs, but also through our emotions, so sometimes, and depending on our state of mind, we react in one way or another.

Social psychology indicates that attitudes, in fact, are intimately tied into three dimensions that are worth reflecting on for a moment:

cognitive dimension

How do you interpret the things that happen to you and experience them? How do you relate them to your past experiences? If I have a date and my partner doesn’t show up, I can say, for example, that I am unlucky in love, or that “my mother told me I would never get married”…

That is, we create a series of internal attributions, beliefs and representations that transform into a negative attitude. With our gaze, we build a reality that shapes this negativity.

affective dimension

When talking about emotions in terms of attitudes, we could say that there are three types of people. As you might already intuit, there are people who show mostly negative attributions to everything around them. And the origin would be in certain experiences that they did not manage properly.

There are also those people with a generally positive attitude, and lastly we would have those who choose to let themselves go, not take sides, not react and be indifferent to what happens around them.

behavioral dimension

In this case, it is curious to observe how people have a very “regular” predisposition to always react in the same way to things. There are those who avoid taking on responsibilities, others who acquire their own and others… That is, each one, according to their own attitudes, shows a determined behavioral pattern.

Woman with balloons and a lot of attitude

In your vulnerability there is strength

It is not easy, nor can we be expected to have a positive attitude every day of our lives. We all have moments of downfall, and that’s not why we’re more or less strong. We are human beings and therefore vulnerable, however, never doubt: in your vulnerability is also your strength.

How to maintain a positive attitude towards life

A positive attitude must be worked on each day. It’s like a sail for the wind to take us, and that’s why it’s necessary to keep control of the three dimensions described above: thoughts, emotions and our behavior. So keep these simple dimensions in mind.

  • Its emotional connotation is important: depending on the emotion you attribute to a particular experience, you will have a positive or negative attitude afterward.

it is not because I have been rejected that I will change my attitude towards affective relationships. A “no” does not dismiss me as a person. A “no” should propel me to find someone who fits with me.

  • Understand that you can’t control everything: people have limits and we can’t control everything around us, and yet, the world can’t always be as we’d like.

the economic and social situation is not going well, and that is why I am experiencing some difficulties. But that’s not why I’m going to stop trusting institutions, my country and people. 

  • Increase your self-love: if you don’t believe in yourself, if you don’t value yourself and assume that you have the right to make mistakes, to learn and to be happy, nobody will do it for you. You are the owner of your destiny, and your attitude is the compass that will enable you to climb mountains, as long as you allow and believe in it.
couple dancing with attitude

Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay, Mariana Kalacheva

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