The One Who Smiles Is Always Stronger Than The One Who Rages

The one who smiles is always stronger than the one who rages

It is said that you live what you focus your attention on, so it seems logical to think that it is much more beneficial to try to resolve what is destabilizing than to spend the day fighting the law of gravity. Disagreements unbalance us, and in the face of them, the best way to do well is to act with the serenity  of a smile,  not through impulsive or lasting attacks.

When a situation boils over and you feel like you don’t know “where to start”, it’s just patience, along with a certain degree of optimism, that can get you through the problem without “much damage”. Otherwise, it can lead to unnecessary emotional imbalance for a while, leaving room for more stress, anxiety, or annoyance.

smile serenely if you want to achieve something

Sometimes we can find ourselves immersed in a rather heated discussion and most of the time it’s usually with a family member or a friend. This makes the tension greater, as  a problem taken the wrong way because it brings results that we didn’t want at all.

Given these circumstances – or similar ones – there are two possibilities: losing control of the situation or being as rational as possible. Choosing one thing or another will depend on our strength to control impulsiveness and to keep our heads as cool as possible. In this sense, it is much healthier to seek the use of an open mind that takes us to a safe place.


It doesn’t consist in you winning and the other losing, but the lesson learned by the one who was able to act calmly will be much more enriching for the future:  peaceful dialogue, a  smile  in time and a calm demeanor in response to the agitation will do. for other situations similar  to those we face. That’s why the expression “Smile serenely if you want to achieve something.”

When you get angry you end up in a dead end

It is normal for anger to lead to a dead-end situation: getting  angry does not allow us to listen or be listened to, just as it does not allow us to understand or be understood.

Discussions arise when the conversation is able to suddenly change its tone. So the voice is raised and people look no further than their personal ego: none of those involved stop to think if they’re wrong, if they’re trying to impose instead of conveying their ideas, and if they’re taking interpretations that may not be true. adjust to reality.


Anger hides what you feel and makes a person believe that it is not possible for him to be wrong in what he is defending. It may also be that the person is not aware that winning the conflict will not benefit him at all, because he will not have learned anything from what the other person thinks, or because he is likely to end up believing in misunderstandings.

Dealing with a difficult situation while maintaining the serenity of those who smile

The person who smiles in the face of complications will be stronger than the one who gets upset, even more so because he will know how to deal better with the difficult situations that may come next. Thus, you will know that reflection and analysis are the greatest enemies of the arrogant attitude that anger tends to provoke.

In addition, you will gain experience to seek solutions to your problems and to open yourself to tolerance, which implies having a wide range of relationships. It is important to know how to listen and respect what others think about us,  as well as taking into account that we are all wrong: sometimes in what we say, sometimes in what we do.

worried woman

It sounds utopian, but  learning to control emotions in sensitive situations helps us channel those angry moments that cannot be avoided. It’s not about seeing problems with others as if they don’t exist, but about learning to manage them efficiently.

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