9 Differences Between Successful And Failing People

9 differences between successful people and those who fail

As extraordinary human beings that we are, we desire success. We are created to get it and to be able to get whatever our heart desires.

The problem? Many of us still haven’t discovered the essential ingredients to excel and become successful people.

It is true that success requires work and perseverance. But even more, it implies having a free mind, open and willing to move forward.


If you’re up to it, I’ll be happy to share with you the 9 differences between successful people and those who fail.

1. Successful people know what they want and set goals, those who fail don’t

I was once told that one of the essential ingredients in achieving our dreams and achieving success is visualizing what we want. In this way, we trust ourselves, in what we can do, and we have everything necessary to make it a reality.

The next ingredient is to draw a life map. It can be professional, personal, or both. If you reflect on what your heart truly desires, you will know what you want. Getting us on the path is what really counts.

2. Successful people analyze different points of view, those who fail believe that only theirs is valid

We must analyze our thoughts and sensations, always considering the experiences of people who move around in which we want to succeed.

It is important to consider the example of those who have already succeeded. Here we are not talking about “ copying ”, but about borrowing what can be good and productive for your case.

Taking into account the people around us is something that inspires us, and allows us to go beyond trying to share the best of us with them and with the world.

3. Success comes from the motivation to learn new things. People who fail think they know everything

What could be more motivating in this life than discovering new things and experiences? Life is wonderful and full of fascinating situations.

A successful person will always integrate this premise, and their days will be amazing simply by getting up and being, or rather, “ feeling alive ”.

This feeling fills us with motivation. A healthy motivation that pushes us forward, and makes us feel strong enough to overcome any barriers that may arise in life.

Thinking that we know everything will only make us static , unable to advance towards success.

4. Successful people share time with the people they love

A great friend and professional within my field of personal development says that “the people you relate to condition you to think and feel a certain way and therefore condition what you can achieve.”

It is important to surround ourselves with pure people who love us with unconditional love.  Friends and family are the fundamental pillars of our personality. We choose them, and trust them freely with part of our heart.

Remember that knowing how to choose the people around you is essential. We need to understand the virtues of true friends and thus be aware of those who are and those who are not.

5. Successful people become responsible for their mistakes. Those who fail blame others

Mistakes are not negative. Socially, they try to teach us to see failures or failures as elements we need to move away from, but actually making mistakes and learning from mistakes  allows us to evolve and advance towards our success.

Being responsible for our mistakes will give us much more advantage when using them as resources to grow and learn throughout life .

6. Success seeks the good of others. failure awaits bad luck

This point can be summed up in “ life gives you back what you give. ” Therefore, if you want to achieve success, do not wish for the evil of others. Energies are contagious. Imagine that someone close to you is trying to convey this, how would you feel?

7. A successful person radiates happiness. A person who fails shares their bad energies

We live to live, not to look bad, suffer or martyr ourselves constantly. Do not allow yourself to share only the misfortunes and take an open attitude towards life. Remember that by expanding our gaze, we can perceive many more horizons full of beauty and opportunities.

happy woman

8. Those who want success in their lives live in the present, while those who fail are stuck in the past

Successful people live in “today”, taking advantage of every moment, every moment to achieve their happiness and dreams. Meanwhile, failed people are often anchored in the past and constant grievances, unable to move forward.

9. Knowing how to forgive drives successful people to fulfillment, allowing them to reach their goals

Successful people know how to forgive, both others and themselves. They let go of rancor and remorse so that they can keep going forward.

Original text in Spanish by Paula Díaz.

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