5 Curious Facts About Anxiety

5 curious facts about anxiety

According to a recent news report, a bra was invented  that allows you to control  anxiety.  Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Well, that’s not the only data we’ll tell you in this article! You will learn some really amazing things about one of the most common emotions in many of us, anxiety.

As you are no doubt aware,  both  anxiety  and stress have negative consequences on our  bodies  and minds.  Worst of all, this is more often than we think.

People who are very anxious, for example, may have food cravings; but it is not for any type of food, but those that contain more fat or sugar. This “anxious intake” does not eliminate symptoms forever, it only eases them.

There are also people who bite their nails, who can’t sleep, who move furniture, who go out for a run at 3 am, who cook for a battalion, etc.

The truth is that  each person experiences anxiety in their own way and will look for a thousand and one ways to alleviate it.

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The Underwear That Reduces Anxiety

This is the first curious fact in the article: a group of researchers studied how an underwear, such as a bra, can have a function other than dressing us (as if that were not enough). Although it’s still an experiment and not for sale,  this bra appears to be the solution to women’s anxiety problems.

This underwear  has the ability to identify mood swings in women,  because it analyzes the behavior of the skin, heartbeat and breathing. It is also equipped with a wireless or mobile electrocardiogram. Changes in mood are detected based  on physical signals.

It has sensors that can be removed without problems, to wash or use in other occasions (perfect to match with different clothes). However,  one of the current inconveniences of the invention is that it still does not have sufficient autonomy (only 4 hours).

When it starts to be marketed, whoever is using it can receive a warning on their cell phone to let them know that their anxiety levels are starting to increase, thus avoiding reaching an anxiety point where there is no way to go back… unless we eat three chocolates, two packets of chips or a kilo of ice cream.

Curiosities about anxiety

If the news about the bra hasn’t surprised you yet, this data will really catch your attention:

– Anxiety has the ability to alter our sense of smell:  when we are anxious, all smells and smells seem bad, both good and unpleasant.

The olfactory system increases its activation capacity  and we are able to find smells we don’t like in any corner.  While this might be good, for example if we were going to clean the house, it wouldn’t be so much if we were going to prepare the food.

– If you exercise, you will reduce anxiety:  perhaps it is not something unknown to most, but it is a fact that is worth analyzing.

If you go for a run, ride a bike, or walk for 20 minutes  when your anxiety condition starts, you will feel calmer and calmer when you return home  .  During this time you will release tensions.

Think about the exercise you enjoy the most and remember that  playing sports is not only good for your physical health, it’s also great for your mental health.

– If you are anxious, you will lose your balance:  imagine what could happen to an anxious juggler! Aside from the pranks, the truth is that  if you are too anxious, you will feel dizzy for no apparent reason, it  could be that you fall into the street or see everything blurry.

This is due to the great imbalance that your body is going through. At this point, it  ‘s a good idea to close your eyes, start breathing deeply through your nose, and let time pass for a while  before returning to your activities.

– People with anxiety are smarter:  good news at last! Well, but it’s not a matter of increasing anxiety so that you do well in a test.

There is a strong relationship between anxiety and   linguistic verbal intelligence Certainly, it is because anxiety increases the speed of thought.

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