5 Sentences By Albert Einstein About Personal Growth

5 sentences by Albert Einstein about personal growth

We all know a few phrases from Albert Einstein, the most renowned scientist of the 20th century. His great contribution to science was the theory of relativity, however, despite being a scientist, he also left us reflections that we can take advantage of for our personal growth. For this reason, today we will show you some quotes by Albert Einstein that can serve as inspiration.

He ended up becoming a recognized scientist, but it is said that Albert Einstein, we don’t know if this is true or not, was not considered by his teachers to be an especially intelligent student when he was a child. He had difficulty expressing himself, relating to others, and it took him a long time to speak (he didn’t speak until he was 3 years old). As a teenager, his problems got worse.

The truth is that Albert Einstein could not fit into the type of education used at the time. It is said that a professor, Dr. Joseph Degenhart, told him that he would never achieve anything in his life. However, despite this , Einstein managed to remain motivated and give form to the theory of relativity. This same theory that many have tried to discredit.

Albert Einstein Quotes That Talk About Personal Growth

These are some of Albert Einstein’s phrases, his own conclusions that helped him in his personal growth.

two ways to see life

This is one of Albert Einstein’s phrases that can make us rethink our attitude towards life. Do we consider ourselves victims of everything that happens to us? Do we believe that we do not have the ability to influence what happens to us? Sometimes, what we perceive as negative makes us so distressed that we cannot identify the opportunities this brings us.

Today’s society contaminates our eyes with a filter. We focus on scarcity rather than abundance. For this reason, we need to purchase or buy goods or services that we are made to believe we are in need of. For many people it is as if nothing is ever enough. In this way, they feel poor, needy. A feeling that, in some way, all of us have felt at some point in our lives.

How to choose the right one?

Adopt a new perspective, accepting other people’s views on life. Instead of denying them, rejecting them, let’s try to see situations from multiple perspectives, until we become aware that our gaze can make the difference between an opportunity acquired or lost.

live on autopilot

This quote from Albert Einstein refers to something that many do: live on autopilot. Our beliefs, the vast majority learned/inherited, our habits, our mental and behavioral patterns direct our life. And in that way, we remain blind.

It’s hard to get out of this automatic mode. However, there are many activities, such as meditation or mindfulness, that invite us to be more present, to move away from this mechanical way of living and behaving like robots. It is enriching to be able to connect with your interior.

The danger of doing nothing

What is the use of always tripping over the same stone? We expect things to change without changing our habits, our attitudes, without maturing… It’s as if we attribute the responsibility for what doesn’t happen to a superior force. Maybe good luck or bad luck, maybe it’s someone else’s fault.

People often get caught up in complaining and victimization, saying things like: “I don’t like my job, but I can’t find another one” or “I know my partner will change, I’ll be able to change him”. This, as Albert Einstein said, is crazy!

To start seeing different results, we have to make changes in ourselves. Get moving, get out of your comfort zone, act, but don’t stand still. It’s difficult to get different results by repeating the same pattern of behavior over and over again.

man observing landscape

failure is to stop trying

This fourth sentence by Albert Einstein allows us to reflect on what we believed was right for so long. Failures are no reason to throw in the towel, because you can learn a lot from them. Failures are learnings, and seeing them that way allows us to move forward.

Many people believe that failure is that sign that marks the moment to surrender, to think that “this is not for me”. If Albert Einstein had believed this, today we would not have his legacy or that of many other people who have made great contributions to the progress of humanity. Yes, true failure only occurs when we don’t try or when we neglect the journey and focus only on the goal.

The power to change thinking

Although it is hard to believe, the reality we see, the way we perceive it, is very much influenced by our previous experiences and by filters, such as optimism or pessimism, that we incorporate over time into our way of seeing the world. Therefore, it is no use complaining about circumstances, since we are the ones who have to change our thinking and our way of seeing them.

Knowing this, Albert Einstein allows us to reflect on all the attitudes that make us feel at the mercy of circumstances as if we had no control over them. In reality, all changes are born within us. We have great power that we don’t know how to harness.

the forces of the universe

These quotes from Albert Einstein can help you if you are in a process of personal growth, going through a crisis or feeling that it is very difficult to move forward. Reflecting on each one will help you open your mind and question everything you’ve learned so far. Put them into practice and experience life in a much more enriching way.

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