Stress Blemishes: When The Skin Reacts To Emotions

Red spots on the face, neck, chest or abdomen. Has this ever happened to you? The link between stress and the skin is so close that these types of uncomfortable manifestations are very common. Do you want to know why this happens? We will explain below.
Spots caused by stress: when the skin reacts to emotions

Did you know that some blemishes can be caused by stress? Redness, rashes, hives… In fact, many extreme psychological states manifest themselves organically as well as physically. In dermatology, this intimate relationship is well known; in fact, it is an increasingly common phenomenon, both in adults and children.

The intricate link between skin and stress has been studied for decades. The “brain-skin” connection made disciplines such as psychology, endocrinology, neurobiology and dermatology itself collaborate for years to better understand this phenomenon.

Likewise, an obvious fact should be noted: these are very uncomfortable and even disabling conditions. Sometimes, intense redness and swelling of the skin on the face can limit a person’s social life. The spots are also accompanied by intense itching, abrasions that cause pain and greatly limit the normality of everyday life.

Let’s understand this matter a little better.

worried and stressed man

Stress spots: what are they, why do they appear and how to treat them?

Most people who suffer from stress end up manifesting skin changes. The most common are related to acne. However, one aspect should be highlighted: these manifestations only appear when this psychological state is intensely maintained over time.

We cannot ignore that  the skin is the largest organ in the body and is also very sensitive to our moods. Rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis and vitiligo are quite common alterations, and the most treated in dermatology consultations.

Let’s delve a little deeper into the appearance of these spots.

How do you know if the spots that have appeared are caused by stress?

Stress spots appear overnight. They appear as an outbreak and therefore the first thing we usually think about is that it is the manifestation of an allergy. It is very easy to differentiate them from sunspots, as they have a more brownish tone and form with time and little by little.

Stress spots usually manifest as follows:

  • They have a reddish hue.
  • They are irregular and appear in nuclei.
  • Usually appear on the neck, chest and abdomen. Also on arms and legs.
  • We will notice their appearance because they itch and bother when they rub against clothes.

Why do they appear?

High-intensity stress states maintained over time significantly affect us. They do this in a variety of ways, it’s true, but the fact that sudden blemishes appear on the skin is a very common phenomenon. Let’s analyze the causes of its appearance:

  • Psychological stress generates an inflammatory response in the skin, causing the appearance of blemishes and even preventing wound healing. This is what a study conducted at the University of Berlin by doctors Robert Mayoff and Yingh Shen reveals.
  • We also know that these states of stress  increase blood adrenaline and, with it, cortisol.
  • This hormone damages the skin’s internal balance and causes the appearance of seborrhea and bacteria.
  • If weeks or months go by without controlling this psychological state, various processes start to be triggered due to the excessive level of cortisol.
  • We undergo hormonal changes, toxins accumulate and inflammatory processes begin. The skin is the largest organ in the body, and also the most sensitive to these hormonal changes. 
  • We know, for example, that vitiligo, although it is an autoimmune disease and usually has a genetic component, can be aggravated by stress. This happens when the immune system itself attacks the skin cells that produce melanin. Hence the classic white spots.
  • Rosacea is another skin condition that can also arise from stress  and as a reaction to inflammation caused by excess cortisol.
woman with eyes closed in front of the sun

How to treat stress blemishes?

Stress spots can appear at any time. Whenever we go through a moment in which this psychological state is constant, we run the risk of suffering some skin change. So what can we do under these circumstances? Let’s see some advice:

  • The best thing is to go to the doctor and rule out other pathologies.
  • Antihistamines are usually prescribed to reduce inflammation and itching.
  • Also, there’s something obvious: if we don’t control stress, nervousness will remain there, as will itching, discomfort, and the risk of more blemishes.
  • We must break the cycle. For this,  cognitive-behavioral therapy is very useful : it works on the dysfunctional thoughts and ideas that intensify the discomfort.
  • It is also appropriate to establish routines that include moments of rest, leisure and physical and mental disconnection.
  • Engaging in some form of moderate exercise can be of great help.
  • It is important to take care of your diet: reduce the consumption of saturated fat, processed foods, white flour, alcohol and stimulating drinks such as coffee.

In conclusion, let’s not overlook the impact of emotions, worries and psychological states on skin health. When the body speaks, it is our obligation to understand the message and find a solution to the situation.

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