Having A Hobby Is Having A Treasure

Having a hobby is having a treasure

Life is too short and we cannot afford to reject the moments that allow us to enjoy it,  leaving aside the hobby we enjoy the most. It is clear that the work is fundamental and takes a lot of time. It is also clear that housework, family and emotional relationships, also occupy a good part of our lives.

But the truth is, in order to lead a full life, you must never allow yourself to have no time to devote to ourselves.  There is a special way to get in touch with what we love most and at the same time cut off relationships with everything that represents the daily routine: to dedicate ourselves to our hobbies.

Hobbies are little realms of freedom. The time we dedicate to them is our real free time, when we do what we really enjoy and where the goal is not to make money or fulfill an obligation.

The Benefits of Owning a Hobby


Both doctors and psychologists and, in general, all health professionals agree that having a hobby improves the quality of life. It is a factor that balances and helps to preserve physical and emotional health. Among the main benefits of having a hobby are the following:

  • They allow you to develop your natural skills and talents, in addition to discovering new potentials
  • Contribute to “disconnect” from the daily routine  and other activities that can be stressful
  • They are an excellent antidote to depression, anxiety and nervousness in general. They help to achieve a calmer mood.
  • They increase the development of creativity and the ability to be disciplined
  • Allow to expand social life
  • Increase motivation to face life’s problems
  • They strengthen self-esteem and thus facilitate the definition of new goals and continuous improvement
  • They contribute to establishing a margin of independence for the family and the couple
  • Help us to enjoy more of these moments of solitude, in the company of ourselves
  • They free us from obsessions generated from work, debts, relationship problems, etc.

The most important thing is that a hobby helps us settle in the most genuine areas of ourselves.  That’s really us, because we don’t have the pressure of a result, nor do we want to show ourselves or prove anything to anyone.

Some tips for enjoying a hobby


Almost everyone has thought of some activity they would like to do in their spare time, but we do n’t always manage to achieve what we want, or we do it only a lot once in a while. Modern life is very demanding and easily makes us forget about ourselves. Therefore, it is worth considering a few points to make a hobby this treasure that enriches our lives:

  • Be bold. Maybe you’d like to sing a lot, but you’ve always been told that you’re out of tune a lot. However, as your goal is not to become Pavarotti, why not try singing as a hobby? As bad as your ear’s sensitivity to music is, you would definitely improve your performance by using some singing techniques. Be bold. The only thing that’s really important is that you enjoy what you’re doing.
  • Explore. Don’t just cultivate that hobby that you already have skill. Look for similar activities and, why not, also others that you only know by name. You may be surprised by the many virtues that may be hidden, waiting for the right moment to emerge.
  • Do not leave it for later, nor give up for external factors.  The time is now. Don’t let your obligations, family pressures, or overdue chores keep you from practicing your hobby. It is a moment as, or more important than obligations. It is a time for yourself, and for that very reason it is sacred. The practice of a hobby is always reflected in an improvement in work, family, social performance, etc.
  • Break away from your usual environment. You can set a breaking point with whatever routine means. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for you to involve your partner or your partner, your co-workers or your family, when practicing your hobby. It is a space of cutting, of exploration, of freedom.
  • Don’t depend on money. Perhaps you are looking for very expensive hobbies and, at the same time, you will end up creating an excuse not to practice them. Maybe you like mountaineering, but you don’t have the equipment, or getting out of town is very expensive, so it just becomes a plan that doesn’t come to pass. If you are currently unable to practice one of these expensive hobbies, find some that are similar and cheaper.

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion.

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