7 Habits Of Emotionally Intelligent People

7 habits of emotionally intelligent people

An emotionally intelligent person is one who has the ability to manage his own feelings and those of others. This is emotional intelligence, a subject we’ve talked about many times.

Emotionally intelligent people have a number of habits and behaviors that contribute to their ability to manage their own emotions and understand the feelings of others.

1 – Emotionally intelligent people pay attention to what they are feeling

According to Daniel Goleman,  self-awareness is one of the main components of emotional intelligence.  Self-awareness is the ability to recognize moods, emotions and feelings.

Part of self-awareness also involves being aware of how our emotions and moods affect others. This ability to control your own emotional states is a basic requirement for emotional intelligence.

2 – Emotionally intelligent people know how others feel

Empathy is another of the main elements related by Goleman in relation to emotional intelligence. Empathy involves the ability to understand the emotions of others.

To interact with others, in many aspects of our lives, such as at work or school, emotionally intelligent people are able to know what others are feeling.  If a colleague is upset or frustrated, knowing how they feel, you may have a better idea of ​​how to respond and how to help them.


3 – Emotionally intelligent people are able to control emotions

Self-regulation is absolutely fundamental to emotional intelligence. Understanding your emotions is a great characteristic of emotionally intelligent people, but it’s not especially helpful if you don’t know how to make use of that knowledge. Therefore, emotionally intelligent people think about their feelings before they act. These people are in tune with what they feel, but they don’t let their emotions rule their lives.

4 – Emotionally intelligent people are motivated

Emotionally intelligent people are motivated to reach their goals and are able to manage their behaviors and feelings in order to achieve long-term success.

They may be nervous about making a change in their lives, but they know that managing that fear is very important. By jumping to make some change, they know they can make their lives better, and that it takes them one step closer to achieving their goals.

5 – Emotionally intelligent people have great social skills

Emotionally intelligent people also tend to have great social skills.  This is probably because they know how to be in tune with their own feelings and with the feelings of others.

They know how to deal with people effectively, maintaining healthy social relationships and helping those around them to succeed.

emotional intelligence

6 – Emotionally intelligent people are able to talk about their feelings with others

In addition to being able to talk about their own feelings in public, they are also willing to do so whenever necessary. Because sometimes people are empathetic and tuned in to their own emotions, but they struggle not to share those feelings with others. Emotionally intelligent people not only understand feelings, they also know how to express them correctly and, whenever possible, do so.

7 – Emotionally intelligent people are able to correctly identify the causes of their emotions

Emotionally intelligent people are able to see a situation and correctly identify the true source of their feelings. At first this may seem like an easy task, but in reality it is not because emotional life is often complicated. Locating the exact source of feelings can be particularly difficult in cases involving strong emotions, such as love or anger.

Improve emotional intelligence

Improving emotional intelligence is something that takes work, but it can be done. Furthermore, it is absolutely necessary to develop it if we are to make personal progress and improve our relationships with others.

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