5 Sentences By Jane Goodall That Will Make You Think

5 sentences by Jane Goodall that will make you think

Jane Goodall’s phrases convey a laudable purpose: an attempt to reconcile human beings with respect for nature. Something that always governed their actions was the attempt to make people redefine themselves within themselves, lower their pride and get off their pedestal to understand that all species are equal. Also, understand that primates, who also have emotions, are intelligent, empathetic and have their own social system.

In addition to being a primate researcher, anthropologist and ethologist, she is also a UN peace messenger. Jane Goodall is a legend. We are in front of all its grandeur, humanity, transcendence and clarity when we see its messages. She moves the world to this day with her lectures. Now 84 years old, she is recognized for her ponytail, her serene smile and the sensitive look of someone who observes the world at the same time with childlike curiosity and the vision of one of the most revolutionary scientists in history.

It was Jane Goodall who challenged the world and an extremely agnostic scientific community 50 years ago, when she demonstrated that animals also possess intelligence. And his field of study was not just limited to chimpanzees. Another passion that defines this English ethologist is bird watching. She was one of the first voices to speak about how mammals and birds like crows are able to plan, solve simple problems, build tools to obtain food and organize themselves within social structures.

His theoretical contribution has already impacted a large number of disciplines, including psychology itself. Concepts such as self-awareness, empathy, altruism or deceit are no longer exclusive “products” of the mind of human beings…

Jane Goodall greeting chimpanzee

Jane Goodall phrases to reflect

Jane Goodall’s quotes show us that while she hasn’t found the missing link in human evolution, no one has ever come so close to showing us just how linked we are to great primates. And his conclusions are even greater. For this ethologist and primatologist, the only thing that differentiates humans from other animals is language, something that undoubtedly should force humans to reflect and redefine themselves in many respects.

Let’s see below some sentences by Jane Goodall to better understand her legacy, which we can also find in some books such as “Reasons for hope”, “My life with chimpanzees” and “On the way of man”.

1. Animals have feelings

We said that right at the beginning. Jane Goodall’s contributions to psychology are also very relevant. She, more than anyone else, has always emphasized the need to be aware of animal psychology. Because the evidence shows not only that primates have obvious characteristics of social intelligence, but also complex emotions and a mind that is self-aware.

When we think about our most common pets, such as dogs and cats, we can see that they have personality, emotional needs and an empathy that is not only able to connect them with animals of their own species, but also with us, beings. humans.

2. It doesn’t matter who you are, but what you are capable of doing

This is one of Jane Goodall’s most interesting phrases. It contains within itself an idea that is also shared with many anthropologists today. The scientific community is often obsessed with explaining our evolutionary line, with knowing how the order of species came about within the genus homo, where homo heidelbergensis fits, and whether Neanderthals are a different species or a subspecies of the genus homo sapiens .

To Jane Goodall none of this matters. What is most relevant to her is what we do with our lives in the present moment. It is only this evolutionary achievement that characterizes us and serves for something. We are able to create a much better world, more noble and respectful to the rest of the species.

Jane Goodall lecturing

3. The harmony of the animal world and the disharmony of the civilized world

This is, without a doubt, another wonderful reflection that speaks for itself. No animal has the idea or behavior of destroying its own habitat. From cutting down trees, burning their fields, destroying flowers, contaminating rivers, fouling the oceans. We consider wild the species of animals that just live in their environment in harmony, peacefully, while we do exactly the opposite.

4. Protect nature for our psychological health

Jane Goodall continues to lead this natural and social activism to make us aware of the importance of conserving green. To protect nature and wildlife. This priority brings benefits even to our psychological well-being, a detail of immense relevance and of which we are not fully aware . Nature is not just life, it is also the possibility of life.

5. We have a responsibility

This is, without a doubt, one of Jane Goodall’s most mythical phrases. We have a responsibility to animals, chimpanzees, gorillas and all species that we are taking from their natural habitat because of human greed and violence. To produce more palm oil, to have more natural resources, to exploit the land and take from it all the mineral resources essential for the technological industry.

Jane Goodall hugging monkey

We are creating incurable wounds on our planet, on animals and also on ourselves. Messages like Jane Goodall’s help us to become aware, to descend from our imaginary pedestal at the top of the evolutionary scale, to look in the mirror with more humility and see ourselves as brother animals, as humble inhabitants of this Earth, of a planet of which we take care of him as he really deserves.

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