4 Vitamins For The Brain

4 vitamins for the brain

In this article, we’re going to talk about what vitamins are important for the brain so you can get the most out of them. Knowing the substances on this list can go down especially well if you find yourself tired or your mental performance is not at 100%.

The brain is, without a doubt, the most important organ in our entire body. It is responsible for regulating all the vital functions that allow us to stay alive, as well as being the place where our consciousness, our thoughts and our personality originate. Therefore, taking care of this organ with the utmost care is of vital importance.

What are the important vitamins for the brain?

Vitamins are a series of natural substances necessary for the proper functioning of our body. They are naturally present in the foods we eat, so a balanced diet should be enough to keep them at adequate levels.

Human brain

Among all the existing vitamins, some have an especially positive effect on our brain and its main functions. So, for example, we can improve our memory or our attention if we consume adequate amounts of some of these substances.

The problem is that sometimes our diet isn’t as optimized as it should be. Therefore, it is essential to know which are the most important vitamins for the brain and in which foods we can find them. In this article, we’re going to talk about the following:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin C
  • D vitamin

Let’s see each one.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene, is one of the most memory-aiding vitamins. Several studies have linked this substance to a protection against cognitive degeneration and an improvement in mental abilities in general. In addition, a lack of vitamin A has been found to cause serious problems, such as permanent blindness.

Where is this vitamin that is so beneficial to our brain? Beta-carotene is a reddish pigment present in several foods, such as carrots, pumpkin, mango or papaya. Therefore, eating fruits of this type can help you if you find yourself starting to have memory problems.


Vitamin B1

The second of the important brain vitamins on our list is also known as thiamine. It is one of the most important components of both the brain and the nervous system, and plays a key role in converting food into energy. It also intervenes in other vital functions, such as blood circulation and glucose absorption.

As for its effect on the brain, it has been proven that a lack of vitamin B1 can cause all kinds of serious effects: from memory loss to depression, through to the devastating Korsakoff syndrome, typical of people who have consumed a lot of alcohol in their lifetime.

This very important substance for the body is found mainly in meat (such as chicken, pork or veal), as well as oilseeds, some fruits and vegetables, and certain whole grains.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the best known around the world due to its multiple beneficial effects on our body. It is also called by the name of “ascorbic acid”, and it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging of the brain.

This can help, according to research, improve brain functions such as attention or memory. On the other hand, it also prevents the appearance of certain diseases, which can range from a simple cold to cancer. Finally, it is also considered by some experts as a natural antidepressant because it increases serotonin levels, improving our mood.

This very important vitamin is present, especially, in citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, strawberry, wild fruits, pineapple or grapefruit are some of the fruits in which it is found in greater abundance. Some vegetables, such as broccoli or peppers, also have a high concentration of vitamin C.

Orange juice

D vitamin

The last of the brain important vitamins on the list is, in a way, an exception. It is the only one of these substances that is not present in any known food ; however, keeping it at adequate levels is essential to keep our brain and body functioning properly.

How can we get more vitamin D? The answer lies in direct sun exposure. Sunlight allows us to metabolize this substance directly in our body, thus generating improvements in mood, promoting the creation of testosterone and increasing our mental capacity to solve problems.

As you can see, most of the important vitamins for the brain are present in healthy foods: fruits, vegetables and meat. Therefore, following a balanced diet, accompanied by exercise and adequate exposure to the sun, will help improve the functioning of your brain.

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